日本建築・・・ヒロで?! Japanese Architecture ... in Hilo?!

2013.03.28: 日米関係Culture Shock







This is a picture of my middle brother's house in Hilo.

A gate that looks like it's from a Shinto Shrine.
Traditional 'Kawara' roof tiles.

His house looks like it belongs in Japan, not Hawaii.

It turns out the architect is Japanese, and he infused the house with details from his home country. You should see the antique 'ranma' transoms in the master bedroom. All with ample touches of local koa woodwork.

One brother runs a traditional Japanese inn, the other lives in a house heavy with Japanese influence.

Strange coincidence, eh?

ゆるきゃらは広まり過ぎ?信州だけでも100+ Yuru-Kyara Explosion: 100+ In Nagano

2013.01.06: 日米関係Culture Shock

100+ Nagano Yuru-kyara



Japan is undergoing a "Yuru-Kyara" boom lately. A hybrid of 'cute' and weird, these "Loose-characters" seem to be popping up everywhere. Over the New Years holiday, our local newspaper had an article featuring over 100 such characters from Nagano Prefecture alone.

Shich begs the question, How many is too many?

Chikuma City's unofficial character, Yashirou of the Yashiro Business District made the list, but Onsen Manju-san from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada has yet to make its debut apparently.

But I am starting to wonder, how important are these Yuru-kyara? At one seminar I attended sponsored by the Prefecture's Tourism Association, the speaker mentioned how much money the Association spends on promoting its PR character, Arukuma-kun, yet no one from outside the prefecture recognizes it. Arukuma-kun has become popular with people here in the prefecture, but if his purpose is to attract visitors to Nagano then he is a failure. That matches my experience here at Kamesei. We have a Arukuma-kun doll at our front desk. The only people who comment on it are locals.

Rather than spending money and energy on something that makes one feel good, perhaps it would be better to put effort into something that has more practical effect.

アルクマ君(マイHPもある?!)Arukuma (with his very own dedicated website?!)
ヤシロウ Yashirou

餅つきの奥深さに感動 Amazed at the Depth of the Mochi Making Tradition

2013.01.03: 日米関係Culture Shock

Murakoshi-san and Kurihara-san helping steam the Mochi rice.




Mochi (sticky rice) -Tsuki (pounding) is an age-old New Years tradition here in Japan. My first experience was back when I lived in Ueda City after graduating college. During my first winter here, I went to a shopping center around New Years. At the entrance, a bunch of people were gathered and were making an exciting commotion. As I went to check it out, I saw the Mochi-pounding in action, and realized that was the legendary Mochi-Tsuki.

Of course, I tried my hand with the hammer and helped pound. My first impression was the whole thing seemed a bit simple.

For this New Years, we at Kamesei decided to make use of the antique mochi-pounding mortar, and do a Mochi-Tsuki event for our guests. Hence, for the first time, I experienced the process from the beginning stages. Procuring the 'kine' hammers, prepping the 'usu' mortar by soaking its bowl with water, buying the wood-burning pot set, using it to pre-steam the Mochi rice. Fortunately a couple of guardian angels from our neighborhood came and coached me through the process. Our Mochi prep was a success!

I no longer consider Mochi-making to be 'simple'!

県Ecoコイン書 亀清オリジナル Kamesei's Original Brochure Eco Coin

2012.12.20: 日米関係Culture Shock



この頃、県観光課がもう一つの制度が始まった: 「楽園信州」というファンクラブです。最終目的は観光客が長野に訪ねてもらって、好きになって、引っ越してくること。例の旅館組合の委員会です。その相談があった時にも資料を英語にと頼んでみた。つまり、外国人こそ、長野に訪ねれば、気に入って、引っ越しするかもしれない。


残念ながら、無視された。というか、もっとひどい結果となった。Rakuen Shinshuというローマ字が資料に載られた。



When Nagano Prefecture introduced the Eco Coin program, they first consulted with Ryokan Association committee that I am on. I requested the accompanying material to be in English, too, as many guests from overseas are conscientious about the environment. An inn in Hakuba that caters to skiiers from Australia raised the same concern.

So when the coins arrived, I was disappointed to see all the literature was in Japanese only. I ended up having to make my own bilingual version for Kamesei.

Recently the Prefecture also started a fan club called 'Rakuen Shinshu'. Rakuen means paradise, and Shinshu is the old name for Nagano. The goal is to get people to visit Nagano, fall in love with it, and decide to move here. At that same committee, I again suggested the material be presented in English as it is quite possible foreigners visiting Nagano could end up living here.

I should know -- that's what happened to me!

But of course, that suggestion, too, was ignored. No English on any of the literature. That is, except the title written in alphabet letters: Rakuen Shinshu. How many English speakers are actually go ing to understand that?!?!

屋根裏の断熱材設置: 何でなかったかい? Installing Ceiling Insulation. Why wasn't there any before?

2012.10.24: 日米関係Culture Shock

Freshly-laid insulation




Many westerners come to Japan and get a bit of culture shock by the difference in heating methods.
Back home, houses are built with as much insulation as possible, and usually use central heating to warm the entire house.
Here in Japan, walls are traditionally left paper-thin intentionally to allow air movement during the oppressively hot summers. Historically, you use 'kotatsu', a low table with a heating element inside and a blanket in which you tuck your legs to keep your lower body warm, and you wear a thick padded 'hanten' jacket to protect your upper body from the chill.

I'm not going to argue which system is more effective and/or better on the enviromnent. But I will say that, as proprietor here at Kamesei Ryokan, the thing I can't stand is not having insulation in the ceilings of our guest rooms. A few years ago, we had the roof tiles replaced on a couple of the attached rooms, and I had the roofers install insulation. It has made a huge difference in keeping those two rooms warmer in the winter. So now, I finally got around to laying insulation above the ceilings for 2 more rooms. The crawl space was not meant for a 2-meter tall person, but I somehow managed to get the job done. These rooms had issues with sounds echoing between them, so hopefully the insulation will help with that, too.

Kamesei Ryokan has so many areas that need fixing. But bit-by-bit, I am making improvements.

アメリカに日本食の浸透 Japanese Cuisine Permeating America

2012.08.31: 日米関係Culture Shock




This trip back home for my buddy's wedding was the first time in a year-and-a-half for me to be in Seattle. During those 18 months, Japanese cuisine has really permeated American cooking.

One example:

When I went to my brother's place, he barbecued some steak for me. Now, my brother is a typical meat-loving American. So you can guesss my surprise when I saw among the meat sauces, Ponzu from Japan. I assure you, he was using regular American steak sauces 18 months ago, not Ponzu!

Chocolate-covvered edamame?

I don't think you can even get this big of a box of Panko in Japan!

160種類の生ビールと… まき寿司! 「女鬼まき」って寿司。辛いソースが入っていて、美味しかった。ただ、ここまで和食が浸透してきたって、びっくり!

160 beers on tap and ... sushi rolls! We tried the Taperoom's She-Devil roll. Spicy and delicious. That is, after getting over the shock of finding sushi even there.

B級グルメの和洋折衷:カツバーガー Best of Both (Fast Food) Worlds: Katsu Burger

2012.08.30: 日米関係Culture Shock

The fabled Katsu Burger




Japan's "B-Grade Gourmet" leader tonkatsu,
and America's fast food king the hamburger,
combined to make the Katsu Burger.

The Japanese owner of Katsu Burger restaurant in Seattle's Georgetown district came up with a doozy with this combination. I had heard the hub-bub about this creative concoction, and was fortunate to get to try it on my first day back during my short trip to Seattle.

This is what people like us in the Japan-American conundrum need to do -- utilize the best of both worlds.

カツバーガーKatsu Burger

戸倉上山田温泉のカタクリ際@佐良志奈神社 Katakuri Flower Festival at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Sarashina Shrine

2012.04.12: 日米関係Culture Shock

Katakuri-sou, aka "dogtooth violet"



Japan seems to have a fascination with delicate flowers. Cherry blossoms are of course the most obvious, but, for example, this has to be the only country on earth to organize festivals dedicated to skunk cabbage (see Kinasa, Togakushi, et al). I admire this appreciation for Mother Nature.

Here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, I've mentioned in the past how a grove of tiny setsubun-sou flowers has a group of volunteers dedicated to its preservation and that a festival is held in their honor.

On our side of the Chikuma River is a grouping of another fragile flower, "Katakuri-sou", known in English as dogtooth violet. Grouped around a road leading up Hachioji Hill from Sarashina Shrine, these flowers also have a fan club that volunteers for their care. This Saturday is the official "Katakuri Festival". Just a small little festival with the ladies serving green tea, all in honor of the little purple flowers.

Our new private bath here at Kamesei Ryokan also has some katakuri flowers popping their heads up in the garden Okada-san built for us last fall. So if you can't make it to Sarashina Shrine for the katakuri festival, come for a soak in our Shinano-buro bath. You can enjoy seeing the flowers as you relax in our onsen.

2世代の着物 A Two-Generation Kimono

2012.02.11: 日米関係Culture Shock

Daughter and ... Mother









One thing that I think most Westerners find fascinating about Japan is the kimono. And the more I learn about kimonos, the more I realize there is to know. The colors, patterns, styles, obi tying, formalities, etc.

Last night, at our Okagura lion dance 'new year' banquet, before imbibing way too much sake', our lone female member Shimizu-san showed me the photo album for her daughter's coming-of-age celebration. Her daughter was wearing a stunning kimono that was only enhanced by the backdrop of the photo locations, Ueda Castle and Ikushima Tarushima Shrine. The last two pictures took my breath away. The left one: her daughter striking an alluring pose. The right one, someone bearing a similar resemblance in the same kimono and the same pose. It was Shimizu-san herself, for her coming-of-age celebration 30 (?) years ago.

That a kimono can be worn by a mother and daughter and be as just as visually appealling despite the difference in the generations is simply amazing.

Perhaps the only thing that can come close to comparing in western culture is the wedding dress. My mother probably kept her wedding dress to pass on to a daughter but unfortunately only had us 3 sons. But I think there is somewhat of a tradition like that for wedding dresses.

補助金、補助金、どこでも補助金 Subsidies Here, Subsidies There, Everywhere Subsidies

2011.11.25: 日米関係Culture Shock

Cost- and Guilt (?)-free hinoki bookcase




喫煙ルーム整備の補助 (JTの匂いするけど…)
東電から春のインバウンドキャンセルの負担金 (それを請求すれば、8月の観光客が東北へ行かずに長野に来て、儲かった分を返すようになる?)
地元の銀行から特別低い金利を使って改善 (改善はするけど借金はまだあるのにまた借りるのはどうか)



Chikuma City doesn't have enough money in its coffers for its 'Flowers Everywhere' project, so it's been canceled.

The government of Japan doesn't have enough money for Tohoku reconstruction, so it's talking about raising the consumption tax.

Despite the drastic budget situation, lately there's been a flurry of frivolous subsidies flung our way.
First a 100% financed kid-raising fund for diaper-changing tables from the Prefecture.
Then a similar subsidy for making a smoking room. (Do I smell Japan Tabacco?).
And TEPCO's getting in on the act, offering a refund for cancelations from foreign tourists last spring. (If we apply, do we have to give back the extra money we made in the summer from Japanese travellers skipping Tohoku to come here?)
Even our bank, offering low interest loans for improvements. (We'll make improvements, alright, but out of our running costs instead of borrowing more money on top of what we already owe!)

Of all of these, it turns out the first one has been given a favorable twist. A buddy that works for the Prefecture's Environmental Department got products made of Nagano hinoki wood included. So we can support kid raising as well as our local wood industry! I applied right away. We'll see if the ap is approved.