武道家トレーニング@亀清旅館 Martial Arts Training a la Kamesei

2012.10.16: 活動 Activities

Roni-san and Rudi-san training with Miyashita-ninja.



最初の朝 朝5時座禅 (若旦那が連れて)
二日間目 忍術など複数のぶどうのマスター、私の知り合い宮下さんによって、亀清の大広間で独自のトレーニング
三日間目 宮下忍者の善光寺道場でレベルアップ稽古。その夜は亀清旅館のビーで約20人の前で空手の技術発表。
四日間目 亀清のChef武井が通っている少林寺拳法の稽古に参加
五日館目 戸隠れ道の忍術稽古に参加(宮下さんの紹介で)
六日間目 千曲市の小出先生によって空手道の稽古参加
最後の朝 朝5時座禅 (若旦那が連れて)


We had a group of martial arts practioners from Israel come and stay with us here at Kamesei for 1 week. Their main purpose was martial art training, especially in karate. Apparently in Israel, even the smallest town has at least one karate dojo. They were shocked to find that cities and towns in Japan often don't have even a single dojo.

Through some strange coincidence, though, they were fortunate to have found Kamesei Ryokan. Through my various connections, I was able to put together a thoroughly challenging and rewarding week for them:

1st morning 5am zazen meditation at Kaigen-ji Temple with myself.
2nd day My buddy Miyashita-san, who has trained in a multitude of martial arts including ninjutsu, came to Kamesei for a private training session in our banquet room.
3rd day Additional private training by Miyashita-san at his Zenkoji dojo. That night, they performed a karate demonstration in front of 20 guests at Kamesei's lobby.
4th day Shorinji Kempo lesson with our Chef Takei's club.
5th day Togakuredo Ninjutsu lesson in Togakushi.
6th day Karate-do lesson with Chikuma City's Koide-sensei.
Last morning Another 5am zazen meditation session with me at Kaigen-ji, this time followed by Shibata-san, the monk, chanting some sutras.

Shorinji Kempo, Karate, Ninjutsu, Zazen. The group from Israel was ecstastic about the martial arts and mental training we provided, and suggested we make an official training program to offer guests from overseas on a regular basis. So many people practice martial arts overseas and want to come to Japan for further training, such a program would be a big hit.

For now, if anyone is interested in such a course, feel free to contact us here at Kamesei Ryokan -- we'd be happy to make arrangements accordingly.


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