The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Komagane Training Center recently held its annual Nagano Global Seminar. I was invited to give one of the talks during the conference. Approximately 50 participants came to my talk on what foreigners expect when they come to Japan.
This time, instead of just a one-way presentation, for the latter half of the session I had the participants break up into smaller groups and brainstorm some ideas for activities and experiences that foreigners would enjoy in their area of Nagano. This was for my current big "Unique Nagano" project. With a grant from the prefecture, my committee of the Nagano Junior Ryokan Association is putting together a website, SNS site and smartphone application to promote Nagano's Top 100 activities. I received a lot of great input from the participants, many of whom are students of a local Ladies College.
I would like to give my thanks to JICA for inviting me to give a talk. Now, to make Unique Nagano a success, too!