亀清旅館は今日から正式的にJapanese Inn Groupのメンバーとなりました。このグループは海外から来る旅行者に日本の旅館を紹介している。亀清の伝統的な良さを外国人観光客にも知って欲しいと思っております。そして、この英語を喋れる青い眼の若旦那もいるから言葉の壁は心配ない。
As of today, Kamesei Ryokan is offically a member of the Japanese Inn Group. This organization is dedicated to introducing Japanese ryokans to travelers from overseas. I would really like to share our onsen ryokan's tradition with guests from overseas. Even backpackers travelling on a limited budget should experience staying at a ryokan at least once during their time in Japan. And with myself speaking English, they don't have to worry about a language barrier.