インバウンド@千曲川:釣り Chikuma River "Inbound": Fishing

2009.06.01: 活動 Activities

Mark enjoying the riverscape in Togura-Kamiyamada


I went to Togura Station to pick up a couple of backpackers from Australia. In the car on the way back, Mark asked if there were any fishing spots nearby.
Hmm... The Chikuma River 'ayu' river fish season doesn't open for another couple of weeks, but I often see guys fishing for black bass on the river that runs down the middle of our onsen town.
Mark borrowed a rod from our neighbor the pharmacist (he had his own reel and lures), and walked over to the river to try his luck. Apparently he enjoyed it because the next morning he went out again at 4:30am. Just don't ask if he caught anything. But I think that's besides the point. When you travel to a foreign country, you want to get in touch with that country's nature and environment, and fishing is a great way to accomplish that!


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