長野市CVBのインバウンドパネリストに Inbound 'Panelist' for Nagano City's CVB

2010.12.14: 活動 Activities

Yours Truly as a Panelist






他のパネリストは日本旅行業協会の興津さん(現在の日本全体のインバウンドの動き)、長野県観光課の遠山さん(県内の現状)、善光寺の住職、福島先生(長野市、特に善光寺の現状)、全国通訳ガイドの熊沢さんと私。熊沢さんの話で一番おもしろかったのは下降のインバウンドは団体客・ゴールデンルート(東京ー富士山ー京都)であって、現在はFIT(個人客)・裏ゴールデンルート(松本・飛騨高山・金沢)であって、将来はSIT(Special Interest Tours)と感じているそうです。私はそのSITとの動きが非常に面白いです。なぜなら、また後日…

Today I was invited by the Nagano City Convention Bureau to be a panelist on their "Inbound Panel Discussion". My normal 1-hour long speech on what foreigners expect in Japan had to be squeezed down into an 8-minute talk, followed by answering questions from the coordinator.

My co-panelists were Kouzu-san from JATA (explaining the current Inbound situation on the national level), Toyama-san from the prefecture (on the prefectural level), Fukushima-sensei from Zenkoji (on the city's level), Kumazawa-san from the national Guide federation (from a guide's perspective), and me.

Kumazawa-san's talk was particularly eye-opening for me. She explained how in the past, foreign tourists often travelled in groups and mostly along the "Golden Route" (Tokyo - Mt. Fuji - Kyoto geishas). Nowadays its more individual travellers on the "Ura" (back-side) Golden Route (Matsumoto, Hida Takayama and Kanazawa). For the future, she sees more SIT (Special Interest Tours).

That SIT dynamic is really fascinating to me. I'll write more on that soon!


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