駅の「もてなしドーム」の日本的しかもモダンな木造のアーチで市の「ようこそ」の気持ちが伝われました。At Kanazawa Station, the "Motenashi Dome" with its traditional Japnese style, yet modern, wooden arch really expressed the city's welcoming attitude.
亀清旅館はJapanese Inn Groupのメンバーになってから始めての研究会に参加してきました。「欧米人から見た日本のインバウンド」の講演も頼まれました。インバウンドに関して、皆様が私の大先輩になるので非常に恥ずかしかったけれども、何とか好評で終わりました。
Kamesei Ryokan recently became a member of the Japanese Inn Group, and I got to go to my first Study Meeting. One of the talks was by Yours Truly, on what foreigners think about the current Inbound situation. I was embarrassed to lecture to my peers, being the newcomer as I am. But the talk went really well.
The meeting was held in Kanazawa, a major city on the Sea of Japan. In 2014, the Nagano Bullet Train will be extended to there, making it possible to do a day trip. This time, using normal trains, it took 5 hours one way.
It is said that 70% of Inound (tourists from overseas) see Tokyo and the big cities, and only 30% make it out to the countryside. Westerner individual travellers tend to fly into to Narita, see Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, and fly out from Osaka (the "Golden Route"). Usually on a second trip, they tend to want to see the countryside, hence Matsumoto, Takayama and Kanazawa (the "Ura (Backside) Golden Route"). So Kanazawa has a strong background with Western tourists. That was apparent by all the bilingual road signs.
This was my second time to Kanazawa. The first was 15 years ago, from which I have fond memories of classic Kenrokuen garden and the ninja temple. This time around, I stopped at a few sights on the walk to the meeting place as well as an early morning stroll. Kanazawa succeeded in enchanting me all over again.
Japanese Inn Group Website here
金沢観光協会 Kanazawa tourism website here

駅前通りの歩行者に優しい緑とアートがグー!The main street from the station was pedestrian friendly with its water features, garden touches, and public art.

近江町市場のにぎやかの事!長野に持って帰りたい!The Omi-Cho Market was so lively -- I wanted to take the whole market back to Nagano with me!

九谷焼きを気に入った:私のお茶碗の集まりに新しい一個 I liked the local Kudani Pottery so much I bought a new tea cup for my collection.

西茶屋街の丁寧に整備された建物に感動!I was really impressed by how well the tea houses in the Nishi Chaya Geisha District were kept up