The Nagano Inbound Summit chairperson (me) and Office Director (Ken-san) went to the Prefecture Capital in Nagano City today to meet with the Prefecture's Tourism Department. We discussed possibilities for coordinating this year's Summit -- a partnership between the government and private sectors. Plans for the summit are starting to take shape.
For now, the next "Local Meeting" will be held this month on the 15th in Suwa. We are planning on including a tour of Masumi's sake warehouses as well as a mini-participation event for Onbashira (Suwa's once-every-seven years huge bash, to be officially held next spring.) If interested in participating, feel free to contact me.

県庁の周辺に色々な面白い建物がある。これは「キャンサー・ハウス」 Lots of interesting places around the capital. This is a "cancer house".

もう1つな面白い建物:西洋のレンガに日本の瓦、尚且つバスケットの1ポイント Another interesting building: classic Western bricks with traditional Japanese roof tiles, plus a basketball hoop!