ご開帳は6月29日まで 残り1週間にヒント Gokaicho Ends 6/29 — Tips for the Last Only Week

2022.06.22: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

長野市・善光寺さんの七年に一度のご開帳は6月29日(水)まで。駐車場が溢れて、回向柱、戒壇巡り、御朱印そしてお蕎麦屋さんに列が長くて、最後まで待つ人が多いんで、これからはさらに混む可能性大。ラストスパートのご開帳のためのアドバイスを提供します。The venerable Zenkoji Temple in center of Nagano City is celebrating its once every 7 years Gokaicho ceremony through 29-June.






ご開帳の豆知識: 本堂な西側に歴代の回向柱が立ってます。歴史とパワーを感じます。








お詣りの後は精進落としの湯・戸倉上山田温泉へ♪ 温泉街の上の観音寺が善光寺別院なのでお朝事を



ご開帳・追加アドバイス、その1: 小松美羽の展示


ご開帳・追加アドバイス、その12: 夜間の善光寺も神秘的。



さくらんぼ🍒おもてなし Hospitality with Cherries

2022.06.18: 季節 Seasons, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, グルメFoodie

先日は常連のお客様の送迎でさくらんぼの出荷場に寄ってお土産に買ってあげました。The other day I was driving some longtime guests home and stopped at a cherry stand and bought them some as a gift.

朝採りさくらんぼ: 90代のお二人にぴったりのお土産
Fresh-picked cherries — the perfect gift for a pair of 90ish ladies.

お客様は90代の女性お二人です。前回に送迎した時はハゼ掛けの時期でしたのでせっかくだから姨捨棚田をサービスで通りました。お二人に凄く印象的だったのようで、今回の滞在で「素敵な思い出だった」と何回か言ってくださりました。(90代の割には頭がしっかり…) The guests were a pair of ladies in their nineties. Last time they came it was rice harvest season so on the drive here I took them through the Obasute Rice Terraces. Apparently the scenery made a big impact on them because they couldn’t stop talking about it. (Both of their minds are quite sharp for being in their nineties.)

今回の送迎でより大きな印象を、と思い、しかし、何が良いかと悩みました。そして、途中にさくらんぼの出荷場があると思い出しました。シーズンが短いんですが運が良く販売してました。On the drive this time I was hoping to do something that would make an even bigger impact. Then I remembered there’s a cherry stand along the way. Cherry season is so short but fortunately they were open.

お二人は朝採りのさくらんぼが初めてだった様で、大喜び。90代の方を喜ばせるのはなかなか難しいですが、おかげ様で大成功しました!It was their first time to have fresh-picked cherries so they were very pleased. It’s not everyday that you can make a pair of ninety year olds happy but this was an outstanding success!

次回はさらに大きな印象が出来る様に、青い目のおもてなしにおまかせください♪ Next time I’ve got to think of something to make an even bigger impact, but that’s what hospitality is about.

2022年度 戸倉上山田温泉の夏まり・千曲川花火大会 開催予定 Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada 2022 Summer Festival Schedule

2022.06.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸倉上山田温泉の夏祭りと千曲川花火大会は3年ぶりに開催決定なのでカレンダーに入れましょう♪ Togura Kamiyamada’s Onsen Summer Festival and Chikuma River Fireworks will both be held for the first time in 3 years, so mark your calendar!

千曲川に反射する花火 Fireworks reflecting on the Chikuma River

2022年千曲川花火大会8月7日 2022 Chikuma River Fireworks 07-August

第91回信州千曲市千曲川納涼煙火大会が2022年8月7日(日)午後7時半〜9時まで開催。我が亀清旅館から川辺(土手)まで徒歩5分。かなり迫力のある花火です。打上げ数がなんと10,000発!近くから見えますから真上で光る様な感覚。そして音は周辺の山から響くし。グランフィナーレの万葉橋の「ナイヤガラ」が格別。 The 91st edition of Togura's Chikuma River Fireworks will be held on Sunday 07-August 7:30-9pm.  The riverside viewing area is a short 5 minute walk from our inn Kamesei Ryokan.  This is a stunning pyrotechnical display with over 10,000 fireworks launched.  From the river bank the explosions seem to happen practically overhead, with the flashes reflecting on the surface of the Chikuma River and the sound reverberating off the surrounding hills.  The grand finale includes an awe-inspiring "Niagara" of fireworks extending the length of Manyo Bridge.

詳しく Details

土手に並ぶ屋台 Festival food stalls
万葉橋の「ナイヤガラ」 Manyo Bridge “Niagara”

ギャル神輿が輝く Popular "Gal" omikoshi

2022年上山田温泉夏祭り9月18日に延期 2022 Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival postponed to 18-September

コロナの影響で2022年度の上山田温泉夏祭りは海の日の連休から9月18日日(日)に延期。若連のお神輿と勇獅子と冠着太鼓がいつもの様に燃えます♪ Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival normally takes place on the Marine Day holiday weekend in July, but this year it will be held on Sunday 18-September instead.  The energetic Omikoshi (portable shrines), massive Shishi Lion and Kamuriki Taiko Drummers will be as explosive as always. 

菖蒲風呂: 子供達が真っ直ぐ育つ様に Shobu Bath for children to grow up straight and strong

2022.06.07: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons


Children’s Day is officially May 5th but here in the countryside many such holidays are celebrated 1 month later.
Part of the tradition is to put a type of iris called ‘Shobu’ (Acorus calamus, “sweet flag”) in the bath.

ロビーの子供の日の人形の隣にも菖蒲。Shobu in our lobby next to the Children’s Day doll

Shobu grows straight and strong so it is placed in the bath in the hopes that children also grow up that way. The phrase for ‘fight to the finish’ is also called ‘Shobu’ so another reason for the tradition is hoping children grow up stronger.