亀清旅館の宿泊営業 5月16日から一部開始、6月1日からフル開始 Kamesei Ryokan: Partial Re-Opening from 16-May, Full Re-Opening from 01-June

2020.05.17: その他 Miscellaneous


5月16日~5月31日 東京都、埼玉県、千葉県、神奈川県以外の方々以外はウエルカム♪

6月1日~ 皆様ウエルカム♪









Kamesei Ryokan is following the instructions of Nagano Prefecture's governor and will be open for business as follows:

May 16-31: Guests except from Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama are welcome

June 01~ All guests welcome.

Until the corona pandemic subsides, we will be taking the following special precautions:

*Extra cleaning and disinfecting.

*Staff will check their body temperature before work.

*Staff will wear masks when with customers.

*We will operate at 50% occupancy, allowing a minimum of 1 day between use of each guest room to let the room completely air out.

*We will serve meals to guests in their rooms or in private dining rooms as much as possible.

*We will provide our family outdoor bath for private use for free.

With these measures, we hope to provide a relaxed and safe stay for our guests.

なお、我がChef体系の創作料理弁当をテークアウトとデリバリーの提供を好評で続いております。1620です(税込み)。ご予約は前日までにお願い致します。電話(026)275-1032 メール omotenashi@kamesei.jp (配達は千曲市・坂城町、500円。)

Meanwhile, we are also offering our chef's kaiseki-style meal in bento form for take-out and delivery.  Price is 1620 yen per person, and we request orders to be placed by the day before, tel# 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp.  (Delivery is available within Chikuma City and Sakaki Town for 500 yen.)

亀清旅館の5月営業について Kamesei Ryokan's Operating Schedule for May

2020.05.07: その他 Miscellaneous

コロナウイルスの営業対策のお知らせです。(Operating Schedule Changes due to Corona Virus -- English to follow.)







当面の間は我がChef武井の創作弁当を提供しております。1620円でテークアウトまたはデリバリー(千曲市・坂城町)で、前日までのご予約をお願い致します。☏026-275-1032  ✉omotenashi@kamesei.jp



亀清旅館 タイラー

As per the instructions of Nagano Prefecture's governor, Kamesei Ryokan was closed until 06-May.  The governor has requested an extension of closure until 15-May, so we will not accept new reservations during that time.

From 16-May to 31-May, the governor is requesting us ryokans to refrain from accepting guests from out-of-prefecture.  For that time, we will operate with only 50% of our guest rooms to avoid crowded conditions.

The prefecture's policy seems to change by the day.  We will notify any further changes accordingly.

Meanwhile, we are offering our chef's cuisine in bento form for take-out and delivery (Chikuma City, Sakaki Town) for 1620 yen.  Please order 1 day in advance by telephone (026-275-1032) or e-mail (omotemashi@kamesei.jp).

We hope everyone stays safe so we can survive corona together.

Tyler Lynch, Kamesei Ryokan

母の日に亀清の弁当は注文にコサージュを♪ Free Corsage for Bento Orders for Mother's Day

2020.05.07: グルメFoodie
母の日の週末に亀清旅館の弁当を是非に! 9日・10日ご注文にお母さんたちに私の手製の花のコサージュをプレゼントします。Chef武井の創作懐石料理弁当は1620円で、テークアウトでもデリバリー(千曲市・坂城町)でもお届けいたします。
For Mother's Day celebration, how about our Kamesei Ryokan bento box? Free hand-made corsage for all mothers for orders on the 9th and 10th. Our chef's bento is 1620 yen and is available for take-out or delivery (Chikuma City, Sakaki Town).


亀清のゴールデンウィーク仕出しにTボーンステーキも♪ Kamesei's Take-out to include T-Bone Steak for Golden Week

2020.05.03: グルメFoodie





Can't leave the house during Golden Week, but at least want a special meal?

Try Kamesei Ryokan's T-Bone Steak!

During our Corona-closure, we have started offering our chef's cuisine in bento form for take-out or delivery, and have already served approximately 100 meals.  For Golden Week, we will also offer our popular T-Bone Steak.  For guests who also order a bento, the price will be 6000 yen including tax for a 2-person size steak.

The number of steaks is limited, so please order asap, either by phone (tel# 026-2751-032) or e-mail (omotenashi@kamesei.jp).  Price for bento is 1620 yen.