5月16日~5月31日 東京都、埼玉県、千葉県、神奈川県以外の方々以外はウエルカム♪
6月1日~ 皆様ウエルカム♪

Kamesei Ryokan is following the instructions of Nagano Prefecture's governor and will be open for business as follows:
May 16-31: Guests except from Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama are welcome
June 01~ All guests welcome.
Until the corona pandemic subsides, we will be taking the following special precautions:
*Extra cleaning and disinfecting.
*Staff will check their body temperature before work.
*Staff will wear masks when with customers.
*We will operate at 50% occupancy, allowing a minimum of 1 day between use of each guest room to let the room completely air out.
*We will serve meals to guests in their rooms or in private dining rooms as much as possible.
*We will provide our family outdoor bath for private use for free.
With these measures, we hope to provide a relaxed and safe stay for our guests.

なお、我がChef体系の創作料理弁当をテークアウトとデリバリーの提供を好評で続いております。1620です(税込み)。ご予約は前日までにお願い致します。電話(026)275-1032 メール omotenashi@kamesei.jp (配達は千曲市・坂城町、500円。)
Meanwhile, we are also offering our chef's kaiseki-style meal in bento form for take-out and delivery. Price is 1620 yen per person, and we request orders to be placed by the day before, tel# 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp. (Delivery is available within Chikuma City and Sakaki Town for 500 yen.)