Two people I really look up to passed away recently. Both have had a major impact on my life as an innkeeper. Here is a bit of a memorial in their honor.
舞鶴の田島さん Tajima-san from Maizuru

Tajima-san 田島さん
Tajima-san was the owner of one of Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada's legendary soba restaurants, "Maizuru". Ever since I moved here, he really took me under his wing and graciously answered all my curious questions about soba noodles. Every time I went to eat, he would teach me something new about the surprisingly complicated world of buckwheat noodles -- and always with a smile. When I made a restaurant guide for the town, Tajima-san was the biggest help for translating the soba-related menu items into English. I'll never forget what he told me about the origin of kitsune soba and tanuki soba. 'Kitsune' means 'fox' and refers to the abura-age fried tofu topping. One explanation is that foxes like abura-age. Another is the reddish brown color resembles fox fur. So what about tanuki soba? It means soba topped with fried tempura batter. Do 'tanuki' (raccoon dogs) like tempura batter? Tajima-san said the fried batter makes it look like lots of ingredients are in the soup. But when you it, you realize you were tricked -- the ingredients ('neta' or just 'ta') were left out ('nuki'), hence 'tanuki'. Raccoon dogs are known to be tricksters, so the name is especially fitting.
The kind Tajima-san that taught me so much about soba passed away last month.
C.W. Nicol (ニコルさん) (Old Nic)

C.W. Nicol at Arato-jo Castle 荒砥城に来たC.W.ニコルさん
環境を守る運動でぎゃぎゃうるさく言っていたニコルさんは私の大ヒーローです。英字新聞「ジャパンタイムズ」の連載コラムで知りました。読めば読むほど、会ってみたいと思い、縁(訳)があって、この戸倉上山田温泉に講演会で呼ぶことが出来ました。世の中で自分のヒーローを実際会う機会がなかなかないけど、一つの夢を叶いました。上田駅までを迎えに行って、雑談していた時に「ニコルさんはアフリカでどこかの国立公園の設立の手伝いもなされましたね」と言ったら、「違うんだよ。俺がエチオピアの国立公園を設立した」と怒られました。さすがヒーロー。戸倉上山田温泉の川(千曲川河川敷)と山(城山、天狗山)を案内しまして、次の日は講演会。その時に、千曲川の河川敷にコンクリートテトラポットを置く作業が行われていた。ニコルさんの講演の中で、ロンドンのテムズ川やバンクーバーのフレーザー川のコンクリートを取り壊して、自然に再生運動の説明もあった。残念ながらあれから千曲川のテトラポットは増えてきた。(泣き) (今もまたテトラポット工事が行われている。)
Old Nic has been active in promoting efforts to protect the environment for over 6 decades. I got to know about him through his column in the Japan Times. I had always wanted to meet him, and finally got the opportunity when I was able to arrange for him to come and give a talk here at Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada. It's not often one gets the chance to meet one's hero, so I was thrilled to be able to meet Nicol-san. I went to pick him up at Ueda Station and while chit-chatting on the way back I asked about him helping to create a national park in Africa. He gruffly replied that he didn't help -- he was the one to create the park in Ethiopia. Oops! Here in town, I took him down to the Chikuma River and up to the surrounding mountains. At that time, work was being done to install concrete tetrapods along the river bank. In his speech, Old Nic talked about how London with the River Thames and Vancouver with the Fraser River were removing concrete and taking the rivers back to their natural state. Unfortunately, the talk didn't succeed in the sense that since then, the number of tetrapods has increased. (More are being made again today.)
Another fond memory of Old Nic is when he and I were invited to an award ceremony by the governor of Nagano Prefecture. Most of us were nervous to meet the governor, but Old Nic slapped Abe-san on the back and, wearing a deerskin suit, pressed the governor to make better use of the prefecture's deer resources. (I was delighted Old Nic mentioned me in his column about the award ceremony.)
Old Nic passed away yesterday from cancer. He was 79.

テトラポット(泣き!) Crying over the concrete tetrapods

どちらの顔が赤い? Who's face is redder?

ニコルさんの記事 Old Nic's article