タイラーが平成のサムライ?(再放送のお知らせ)Samurai Tyler?

2019.01.24: その他 Miscellaneous


NHKの「ニッポンぶらり鉄道旅」で小島藤子さんがしなの鉄道に乗った2016年の番組は2019年2月25日(月) 16:30~16:59 NHK BSPで再放送される予定だそうです。亀清旅館の主人が日本の伝統的な温泉宿を後継ぎとして守るとの事で、平成のサムライとの紹介。タイラーが小島さんに戸倉上山田温泉の伝説のおしぼりうどんに連れていく場面も。


For an NHK show about riding the rails in the Japanese countryside, on a 2016 program TV personality Fujiko Kojima showcased our local Shinano Railway, including a stop here at Kamesei Ryokan.  She introduced our proprietor, Tyler, as a modern-day samurai for his efforts to maintain this traditional Japanese inn.  For part of the show, Tyler takes Kojima-san to go eat our town's legendary udon dish with a spicy daikon radish broth called 'oshibori udon'.   The program will be re-broadcast on Monday 25-February from 4:30 to 4:59 pm on NHK's BS Premium cable channel.

We hope you can watch it!
