2014年で頑張ってきた団体の皆様の為の忘年会プラン♪ End-of-the-Year Party Plan 2014

2014.10.27: その他 Miscellaneous




For all of you who worked hard with your fellow office-mates or group members, it's time to celebrate your endeavors with an End-of-the-Year party. Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we are offering a special weekday 10,000 yen plan for 'bonenkai'. We built a new banquet room this year to make your gatherings even more enjoyable. Call us for details.

忘年会 週末空き状況 (10月27日現在)Availability

10/31 金 △
11/01 土 △

11/07 金 ◎
11/08 土 〇

11/14 金 ◎
11/15 土 X

11/21 金 ◎
11/22 土 X
11/23 日 △

11/28 金 ◎
11/29 土 X

12/05 金 ◎
12/06 土 X

12/12 金 ◎
12/13 土 〇

12/19 金 △
12/20 土 △
12/21 日 △

12/26 金 ◎
12/27 土 〇

グレート☆無茶と発対面! Meeting Great ☆ Mucha

2014.10.20: その他 Miscellaneous








Local pro wrestler Great ☆ Mucha came to Kamesei today as part of a TV shoot for local station "Shinshu TV".

信州テレビUPグランプリ Shinshu TV Up Grand Prix

グレート☆無茶 Great☆Mucha

ハロウィンin戸倉上山田温泉2014は大盛り上がり♪ Halloween in Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen 2014 a Huge Success

2014.10.19: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Halloween Party took place on the 19th. Around 220 kids dressed up in scary costumes and enjoyed the costume judging contest, trick-or-treating from the 60 businesses and inns that provided candy, halloween games and -- the haunted house! My kids and I with some help from friends ran the haunted house this year.

Special this year was around 20 of the participants first crossed the river and did a Halloween Parade at the Togura Gymnasium ahead of the Shinshu Brave Warriors pro basketball game. We even got to do high-fives with some of the players.

千曲国際交流協会 Chikuma Int'l Culture Exchange Assoc.

秋映の信州ファミリー遊び: 茶臼山動物園・恐竜公園 Fall Family Fun in Nagano: Chausuyama Zoo & Dino Park

2014.10.18: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Chausuyama Zoo's Cute Lesser Pandas






I took our 2 elementary school age kids to the Chausuyama Zoo and Dinosaur Park in Nagano City's Shinonoi District one recent fine autumn day.

I was reminded just how cute the zoo's lesser pandas are, and just how fun it is to climb a dinosaur.

Chausuyama makes a great play date destination for families with small kids.

By the way, Chausuyama Zoo's 2014 edition of its annual Zoo Festival takes place October 18th and 19th. Besides the normal activities such as feeding the giraffes and pony riding, there will also be turtle races (?), naming the baby lesser pandas, and other fun events.

茶臼山動物園 Chausuyama Zoo

Watch out -- he spits!

Misaki and the official triceratops pose with the Zenkoji Plain in the background

The Monorail Connecting the Zoo and Dino Park

ハロウィンin戸倉上山田2014年は10月19日♪ Togura Kamiyamada's 2014 Halloween Party Oct. 19th

2014.10.03: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

*プロバスケのブレイブウォリアーズの試合会場で仮装行列とブレアからの特別賞 ☆新しい☆
*仮装コンテスト (ベスト仮想の15人が素敵な商品券を当たる!)
*ゆるきゃら大集合 ☆新しい☆
*トリックorトリート巡り (数コースに分けて、温泉街を巡りながらお店や宿からお菓子をもらう。約60軒がお菓子を提供する予定)
*かぼちゃランタン作り (かぼちゃ販売[有料]も)
*お化け屋敷 (怖いぞ!)
*ケバブ屋台 [有料]

日付: 2014年10月19日(日)
時間: 13:30-19:00 (受付13:00~)
場所: 戸倉上山田温泉カラコロ足湯
料金: 参加は無料 (かぼちゃとケバブぐらいが有料)
予約: 必要 事前に千曲国際交流協会にご連絡を。www15.plala.or.jp/ciea/...

注: ボランティアースタッフも募集しています。

Halloween Party in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen 2014 -- 17th Annual! Special new attractions added to this year's event:

*Costume Parade at the Brave Warriors pro basketball game *NEW*
*Costume Contest with prizes for the top 15 costumes
*'Yuru-Kyara' mascots including Chikuma City's Anhime to attend *NEW*
*Trick or Treat (Approx. 60 shops and inns to provide candy for the kids)
*Pumpkin Carving (pumpkins available for purchase)
*Haunted House (Even scarier this year!)
*Apple Bobbing and other Halloween Games
*ニコちゃん ケバブ kebab van (food for purchase)

Date: October 19th (Sunday)
Time: 13:30-17:00 (Sign-in starts 13:00)
Place: Kara-Koro Footbath
Cost: Free (except for buying pumpkins and/or kebab)
Reservations: Required. Contact the Chikuma Int'l Exchange Assoc. in advance. www15.plala.or.jp/ciea/

NOTE: Volunteer Staff Needed!