ハッピーニューイヤー♪ 2013年の良い思い出を有難う!2014年は宜しくお願い致します! Happy New Year! Thanks for the 2013 Memories, and Best Wishes for 2014!

2014.01.01: 季節 Seasons



取り敢えず、2013年に亀清旅館にお泊りになった皆様に感謝、感謝! 住所を把握しているお客さんにお礼を込めて、年賀状を送りました。毎年の事ですが、今回は1200枚以上でした。(年末は年賀状作業で必死でした!)



Happy New Years, everyone! As the year changes, it is time to take a look back at the year that has passed, and look forward with anticipation at the year to come. First and foremost, we at Kamesei Ryokan would like to thank all of our guests from 2013. For the ones we have addresses for we sent New Years Greeting Cards, over 1200 cards in all. (These past few days I have been crazy-busy preparing all those cards!)

Pictured is the photo collage used in our card -- a visual collection of images from 2013.

We would like to take this time to wish everyone a Blessed 2014!