しなの鉄道イベント列車デザイン発表:ろくもん Shinano Railway's New Train Design Released

2014.01.18: その他 Miscellaneous

しなの鉄道は今年、イベント列車を作る企画があって、そのデザインは発表されました: 真田幸村テーマの「ろくもん」。週末と祭日の中心で戸倉ー軽井沢ー長野ー軽井沢ー戸倉のルートを走るそうです。(時刻表はまだ整理中)




Our local railroad company, Shinano Railway, released pictures of the event train they are planning on making this year. "Rokumon" is patterned after Sanada Yukimura, the famous samurai warlord of Ueda Castle.

Last month when I went to Kyushu, I got the chance to ride the popular Yufuin no Mori event train. It made me realize such trains could have a favorable impact on drawing tourists.

'Rokumon' is scheduled to use lots of Nagano-grown pine wood for the interior. I love the warm feel that wood gives -- it should make for a fun train experience!

しなの鉄道「ろくもん」 Shinano Railway "Rokumon"