亀清旅館の若旦那・若女将家族のお正月挨拶 New Years Greetings from your Kamesei Ryokan Proprietors

2014.01.02: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi





Yesterday we posted Kamesei Ryokan's photo collage for 2013. Today, it's a collage of photos from our family's adventures.

(Clockwise from upper left)

Family skiing at Nozawa Onsen, Lynch family reunion in Hawaii, Misaki enters 1st Grade, Andy enters Middle School, Kenny picking apricots. Tyler playing with geisha in Kyoto, family summer vacation in the Chuo Alps, Mothers Day in Togakushi, Tyler with parents while on a biz trip to the US West Coast, Father-Son Ascent of Mt. Asama, Camping at Nojiri Lake, Surfing with my li'l bro in Hawaii.

Here's hoping for many more great memories in 2014!