菅平:2019年ラグビーW杯をお待ちしています! Sugadaira Awaits the 2019 Rugby World Cup

2013.06.18: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




With its incredible selection of sports fields (108 rugby fields!) and high-altitude training grounds, Sugadaira is known as Japan's rugby mecca. Teams from Japan's top schools come here to train in the summer. Japan has been selected to host the 2019 Rugby World Cup, due in no small part to Sugadaira, I'm sure.

Recently the Nagano Prefecture Junior Ryokan Association held a mini-soccer tournament in Sugadaira. We got to play on one of those top-grade sports fields. Compared to the real athletes that usually compete here, no doubt we looked like bumbling idiots. But with that awesome field and the Sugadaira's stunning mountains as our backdrop, I can definitely understand the area's popularity with sports teams.

After the soccer games, we gathered for another Sugadaira specialty -- a barbecue. I hope the international athletes that gather here in 2019 will get to experience this side of Sugadaira, too.


After the game: Barbecue!

菅平: 高原野菜メッカにも Sugadaira: Japan's Salad Bowl

2013.06.18: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



Besides being a mecca for rugby with all of the sports fields, Sugadaira is also Japan's salad bowl. Nagano's high altitude 1200m growing areas are perfect for growing lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and other vegetables. At Sugadaira, rugby grounds are interspersed with innnumerable lettuce fields.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we get deliveries straight from the farmers and feature fresh Sugadaira lettuce in our summer menu. Come taste the difference!

まる文農場 Marubun Farm