県旅館組合と県庁訪問 Visiting the Prefectural Office and the Ryokan Assoc. Gen'l Meeting

2013.06.05: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi




On the 5th, I went into Nagano City and along with some fellow Junior Innkeepers, stopped at the Prefectural Office and paid a visit to the Tourism Association to discuss our "Unique Nagano" project. Then we attended the annual General Meeting of the overall Nagano Prefecture Ryokan Hotel Association. As something new this year, myself and the other Junior Innkeepers directors were introduced at the meeting.

At the reception afterwards, the elder innkeepers as well as leaders from the prefecture's Tourism Department and various politicians gathered for a buffet. It's a chance to get to talk with people you normally don't have a chance to meet. But our inn was a bit busy so I had to leave early after making a few greetings.

I have to get used to attending such functions!