長野産ワインを飲める宿: 楠ワイナリーから購入 Kamesei Ryokan Now Serving Nagano Wine From Kusunoki Winery

2013.05.24: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan





Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we are aiming to provide our guests the opportunity to try some of Nagano's best wines. I recently went again to Kusunoki Winery in Suzaka City and sat down with the vintner himself, Kusunoki-san. After discussing Kamesei's style and our chef's cuisine, and taste-testing several of their wines, I purchased the following two to offer to our guests:

Chardonnay 2011
Kusunoki-san describes this white wine as having a mature, strongly concentrated flavor. Full of fruity and earthy aromas with hints of vanilla and toffee. It gives off an elegant and mature sweetness. Kusunoki Winery's Chardonnay paints a picture of 'Fresh and Fruity'.
When I first tried this Chardonnay, I was transported to another time and place. I imagined sitting in a fat, leather sofa beside a fireplace, sipping the wine while watching the flames flicker. Kusunoki Winery's Chardonnay is that powerful, that magical.

Cabernets Merlot 2011
According to Kusunoki-san, this is his Bordeaux blend. The actual ratio of Cabernet Savignon with the other Bordeaux grapes varies from year to year. The strength of each variety complement each other in this Northern Nagano Red. Simply combining varieties results in a mix. In the case of this blend, the result is stronger and the taste more delicious than any of the individual varieties by themselves. With a blend, 1+1=more than just 2.
To me, this Cabernet blend reminded me of the saying "Life is too short to drink cheap wine." Kusunoki Winery's Cabernet Merlot is not for the weak of heart. It is the perfect accompaniment for the heady flavors of Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei's culinary magic.


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