北信ドライブ: 戸隠森林植物園 Northern Nagano Drive: Togakushi Forest Preserve

2013.05.12: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Mari and her children on a walk in Togakushi's Forest Preserve for Mothers Day


亀清旅館→戸隠高原 (信越道信濃町IC経由で約1時間)
戸隠高原→野尻湖 (県道36号で約20分)
野尻湖→飯山 (斑尾高原経由、ローカルの道でゆっくりと)
立ち寄り湯 (湯滝温泉)
飯山→松代 (高速で約25分)
夕食 (イタリアンレストラン「公園のベンチ」)
松代→亀清旅館 (約25分、千曲川沿い)



Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers in the world. What did you do to celebrate this important day? Our family went for a drive together to explore northern Nagano. Our course may give you ideas for a similar outing, so here it is:

Kamesei Ryokan -> Togakushi Mountain (approx. 1hr by expressway using the Shinanomachi IC)
Lunch: Togakushi soba
Walk: Togakushi Inner Shrine's massive cedar trees and the adjacent Forest Preserve
Togakushi -> Nojiri Lake (approx. 25 min. via Rt. 36)
Cruise: 'Nojiri Line Cruising' on the Miyabi.
Nojiri -> Iiyama (via Madarao Mtn. using the backroads)
Onsen bath: Yutaki Onsen
Walk: The yellow Nanohana flowers at sunset
Iiyama -> Matsushiro (approx. 25 min. via expressway)
Dinner: Italian restaurant 'Koen no Bench'
Matsushiro -> Kamesei (approx. 25 min. following the Chikuma River)

It made for a pleasant drive exploring some of northern Nagano's highlights. And most importantly, Mari had an enjoyable day with her children.

Here are some pictures from Togakushi and Iiyama's Nanohana park. Will post info on Nojiriko Line Cruising in a separate entry.

Mari and Misaki at Togakushi Inner Shrine's cedars



Iiyama's Nanohana Park