これからの講演の予定 Upcoming Talks I'm Scheduled to Give

2013.05.09: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

JICA's Nagano Global Seminar, one of my several upcoming talks


5月20日(月) 15:00~
@ホテル信濃路 (長野市)
長野県調理師会長野支部 Tel(026)264-6584

5月下旬 朝5:45~
倫理研究所・千曲市支部 Tel(026)261-5205 会員制

お問い合わせ Tel(026)273-3693

信州グローバルセミナー JICA駒ヶ根


This 'American Innkeeper in Japan' has been invited to give several talks by various organizations in May and June. Here's a list in case anyone is interested. (Note: Some of the talks require a fee to participate, and some are for members only.)

20-May (Monday) 3pm
"An American's View of Japanese Cuisine"
At Hotel Shinanoji in Nagano City
Sponsored by the Nagano Chefs Guild

2?-May, 5:45am
"How Western Tourists Spend Money: Where are the Business Opportunities?"
Sponsored by the RINRI Institute of Ethics, Chikuma City branch (026)261-5205 (Members only)

21-June (Friday) 14:00-15:30
"Human Rights Seminar"
Chikuma City Human Rights Center (026)273-3693

29-June (Saturday) 13:35-15:20
"What Westerners Tourists Expect in Japan" and "Unique Nagano" Workshop
Nagano Global Seminar
JICA Komagane (0265)82-6151 (Participation fee applies)

Nagano Chefs Guild Talk