亀清旅館がオール讀物にばれた Kamesei's Secret is out to All Yomimono

2013.04.02: メディア Media

Great Essay by Mayumi Yamazaki-san in the April 2013 issue of All Yomimono

温泉エッセイストの山崎まゆみさんは2月に亀清旅館に泊まりに来て頂きました。その時に一緒に食事も取れて、二人で温泉のことなど色んな話で盛り上がった。その時にまゆみさんは少し含み笑いしているかなと感じました。文藝春秋の月刊「オール讀物」4月号で分かりました: その話からまゆみさんの頭の中でエッセーが生まれて来ていた。



Back in February, onsen essayist Mayumi Yamazaki-san came and stayed at Kamesei Ryokan. It was such a pleasure to be able to host her, and the two of us had some great conversation about onsens and life and working on promoting our various projects. At the time, I sensed something else was going on in the corner of her lips when she smiled. Now, thanks to the April issue of The All Yomimono magazine, a sort of monthly Readers Digest in Japan, I realized what was going on: An idea for a magazine article was taking shape in Mayumi-san's head.

Hence this story entitled: "An Onsen Secret: The Blue-Eyed Innkeeper". Mayumi-san wrote about several episodes in my life here as an American proprietor of a traditional Japanese inn, such as building an outdoor bath by hand in honor of Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen's over 100 years of history, and how a ryokan's 'omotenashi' service comes across as magic. Some of the things she mentioned strike me as being a bit severe, but overall she did a great job of capturing the essence of my life here.

Mayumi-san, thank you for the great essay!

オール讀物 All Yomimono