亀清の看板 例年のチョキチョキ Kamesei's Symbol Getting its Annual Clipping

2013.03.07: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




'Tis the time for Kamesei Ryokan's Japanese pine tree's annual trimming. This pine tree, located as it is at the entrance, acts as our inn's main greeting symbol.

A team of 3 professional gardeners spent 2 days on the trimming. In order to not damage the tree, they used a system of ladders and poles and ropes to reach the branches. An impressively elaborate job.

As the inn's proprietor, if a job can be done by myself, as much as possible I try to do it by myself. When it comes to trimming pine trees, though, I feel it's not a job to be done by an amateur. Especially for our inn's symbolic pine tree. It's important to present a formal face when greeting the guests of our inn!