Chef武井の春先メニュー Chef Takei's Early Spring Menu

2013.02.05: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's Early February 2013 Menu



Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei changes the menu for his kaiseki-style dinner as the seasons change. As we are transitioning from cold, snowy winter and looking forward to the cherry and apricot trees blossoming in the spring, the 'sansai' wild mountain vegetables are starting to awake under the snow.

Chef Takei's menu for early February reflects the changing of the seasons.

旬の物 山菜のウルイ酢味噌和 Vinegar Miso-flavored Urui (young Hosta montana)
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Spicy Nanban Seasoned Saku Carp
サラダ 生湯葉サラダ Salad with Yuba (tofu skin)
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、タコ Kajiki tuna, shrimp, octopus
焼き物 鮎煮浸し Stewed Grilled Ayu River Fish
台の物 茸鍋Mushroom Hot Pot with Pork
蓋物  甘鯛豆腐の蒸し物 Steamed Amadai (horse-head fish) with Tofu*
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
お椀  ワタリガニ味噌汁 Miso Soup with Watarigani (Swimming Crab)
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and other pickled vegetables
水皿  隠れ味アップルパイと杏ジャム Secret Apple Pie with Apricot Topping

*Soon to change to 筍の田楽 Broiled Miso-filled Bamboo Shootに直代わります。