本日のFM長野にこの青い目の若旦那とディープなインタービュー Close and Personal Interview on Today's FM Nagano

2013.02.28: メディア Media

FM Nagano's Fujiwara Team

本日のFM長野のお昼番組「千曲市浪漫紀行 すいっちばっく姨捨」(2月28日の12:00-12:49)に千曲市の代表的な方シリーズでなんと、亀清旅館の青い目の若旦那(=私)のインタービューが放送される予定です。


Today's FM Nagano lunchtime program "Switchback Obasute" will feature an interview with Kamesei Ryokan's Blue-Eyed Proprietor (= me!) as part of their on-going series about outstanding people in Chikuma City.

Lead 'personality' Fujiwara-san and director Fujiwara-san (double-Fujiwara!) interviewed me at the Chikuma City satelite studio the other day. Their questions got a lot more personal than any TV or radio interview I've had so far. So if you are by your radio and in Nagano for lunch today, tune in!

FM Nagano すいっちばっく姨捨

長野温泉の英字ガイドブック登場 Guide Book to Nagano's Onsens Released

2013.02.27: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

New Guide Book to Nagano's Onsens by Peter Ninnes




戸倉に住んでいるオーストラリアからのPeter Ninnesさんは長野の温泉の良さを英語圏の皆様に伝える為に「長野県のトップ100日帰り温泉」の英字ガイドブックを出版しました。





Nagano Prefecture is a mecca for onsens (hot springs). It has the most day-use onsens of any prefecture in Japan. For everybody in Japan, that is a well-known fact, and there are numerous guide books and websites providing ample information on Nagano onsens ... in Japanese.

But Nagano's onsens could very well be popular with visitors from overseas, too. It's just that there is hardly any information out there in foreign languages.

Peter Ninnes, an Australian residing near Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, has set out to fix that. He just published the "Nagano Onsen Guide: The Top 100 Day-Use Hot Springs", an English guide book to Nagano's many fantastic onsens.

I assisted Peter in some of his field research and it really opened my eyes to just how many amazing onsens Nagano has. Peter visited over 140 onsens and personally bathed, err, tested every one. Based on a criteria of things like ambience, presence of minerals in the hot spring water, variety of baths and presence of ugly power lines, he came up with a list of the Top 100. As a bonus, he also listed 5 ryokans that don't allow day-use but would make for a special place to spend the night. (Our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, was graciously included.)

Peter added careful directions to reach each onsen (Japan's roads are notoriously confusing, and some of the onsens are located in really out-of-the-way places). In addition, he provided details for every onsen on everything from a breakdown of the mineral content to whether or not there are coin lockers. And the guide book features 100 full color pictures.

I fully believe that Nagano's onsens are a critical tool to attract foreigners into coming to visit, and Peter's new book will hopefully be the perfect accessory.

Currently available for purchase via the internet:
Nagano Onsen Guide: The Top 100 Day-Use Hot Springs

and on amazon.com

長野トップ100温泉: 白馬八方温泉、丸金 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Hakuba Happo's Marukin Ryokan

2013.02.26: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Marukin's bath at Hakuba Happo Onsen





The Nagano Junior Innkeepers Association held a meeting in Hakuba. Going to Hakuba in the winter and not skiing has to be against some sort of rule. But at least I snuck in an onsen soak. (Sorry to my fellow innkeepers who I kept waiting!)

Marukin Ryokan features Hakuba Happo Onsen's hot spring mineral water. The water is alkaline and its high pH gives your skin a silky feeling. Marukin's bath is fairly simple, but the other bathers seemed to enjoy the relaxing soak after a day on the slopes.

Our meeting happened to be the time of the full moon, and I caught a glimpse of it raising over Marukin's original historical building. 'Marukin' translates as 'round gold'. I thought maybe Marugin (round silver) would also be appropriate!

丸金旅館 Marukin Ryokan

白馬八方温泉 Hakuba Happo Onsen

Maru-gin? Silver sphere

一年ぶりの薪割 亀清旅館のロビーの薪ストーブの為 Preparing Firewood for next winter for Kamesei's woodstove

2013.02.24: 季節 Seasons

'Tis Firewood Gathering Time Again



Kamesei Ryokan's lobby features a wood burning stove. Every year at this time, one of my jobs is to prepare firewood for burning in our stove in the following winter.

Cutting, chopping and stacking firewood is a tough job.
But seeing our guests enjoying the soft heat from our lobby's stove makes all the sweat and sore muscles worth it!

Kamesei's woodstove

雪景色は飽きない Never Tire of Snowy Scenes

2013.02.23: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's naka-niwa garden with snow


亀清旅館: 雪景色の合う宿!

How can one ever get tired of seeing a beautiful winter scene like this? This year has seen a lot more snow than usual, so we have been treated to these type of crystal white scenes a lot. Kamesei Ryokan, with its nakaniwa central garden (pictured), the small gardens of the hanare-fu semi-detached guestrooms, pocket gardens throughout, and the gardens for our two of our outdoor baths, all of these gardens make for a naturally beautiful setting for when it snows. And you can't beat soaking in our 100-Year Bath as the snowflakes fall on your face.

Kamesei Ryokan -- perfect for enjoying snowy scenes.

Snow Falling on Sarashina


Not just our inn, but our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and the Chikuma River as well the surrounding mountains also look extra beautiful when it snows. Pictured is the entrance to Sarashina Shrine. It reminds me of the novel "Snow Falling on Cedars" whose setting is close to my hometown of Seattle.

トムヤンクンラーメン見付け! Now a Thai Version of Ramen?

2013.02.22: グルメFoodie

Match made in culinary heaven: Tom Yum Goong Ramen at Benjaron








Sometimes I think America's food culture revolves around the hamburger. Here in Japan, ramen plays a similar role. Especially in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada. We supposedly have more ramen shops per capita than anywhere else in Japan.

Amongst this huge ramen presence, I recently discovered a new version. Togura-Kamiyamada is fortunate to have a very authentic Thai restaurant, Benjaron. On a recent visit, they had a new menu item: Tom yum goong (ต้มยำกุ้ง) ramen!

Now, I love Thai food, and I also crave a good bowl of ramen noodles. So here was the best of both worlds!

Hambugers have morphed into all kinds of versions -- it's great to see ramen developing like this, too!

ベンジャロン Benjaron

旅館甲子園で日本旅館から元気発信 Positive Vibes for Japan from the Ryokan Competition

2013.02.21: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Historical 1st-ever Ryokan Koshien at Tokyo's Big Site





On the 20th at Tokyo's Big Site convention center, the Ryokan Koshien competition took place. Kamesei Ryokan also entered but unfortunately didn't make it as one of the 5 finalists. After seeing the presentations by the top 5 ryokans, though, it made me realize how far our inn has to go.

Congratulations to the winner, Kanzanchogetsu. They and the other finalists shared one thing in common: they support their entire staff and work as a team towards a common goal.

Kamesei Ryokan still has a lot of work to do in that regard!

旅館甲子園 Ryokan Koshien

Tokyo Big Site

温泉エッセイスト 山崎まゆみさん 来館 Onsen Essayist Mayumi Yamazaki Visited Kamesei Ryokan

2013.02.20: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Onsen guru Yamazaki-san at Kamesei Ryokan

温泉エッセイスト 山崎まゆみさんが亀清旅館にお越しになって頂きました。先日、NHK長野が取材してくれた番組の放送時でスタジオのゲストとなる山崎さんが放送前に亀清のお風呂に入りたいをの事で、来ました。




Onsen essayist Mayumi Yamazaki came to stay at our inn Kamesei Ryokan. She was in town as a studio guest for the broadcast of NHK Nagano's special on Onsens. Kamesei was one of the inns being featured, and she wanted to try our bath before the show.

Yamazaki-san is a Yokoso! Japan Ambassador, and is active in promoting Japan's onsens overseas. She herself has been to hot springs in 20 different countries. It was exciting to have such a noted onsen expert come to our little inn. She took a soak in the bath I hand-built. It was perfect timing -- the snow was falling and the garden was covered in white. With Kamesei's hot spring mineral water high in sulfur content, it made for an exceedingly enjoyable for Yamazaki-san.

Hopefully I, too, can help convey Japan's onsens to the world like Yamazaki-san!

山崎まゆみ Mayumi Yamazaki

「温泉」を全世界へ Taking "Onsen" to the World

2013.02.19: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Showing Sejima-san and Charles-san the Kamiyamada Onsen Museum






Sejima-san and Nalini-san from Hakuba and Charles-san from Australia came for a tour of our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

A Japanese, a Thai, an Aussie and an American, all with one thing in common: a desire to share our passion for Japanese "Onsen" to the world.

Charles-san actually runs the Japan-inspired Peninsula Hot Springs resort in Australia. Part onsen-style bathing facilities and part European-style spa, Charles' operation combines the best of both worlds.

Several countries in the world have onsens, all with their own particular style of bathing. We all have a lot to learn from each other!

Peninsula Hot Springs