信州のお正月: 八日堂 New Years in Nagano: Youkadou

2013.01.07: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nagano New Years line-up at Youkadou





Here in Nagano, one of the biggest New Years traditions is to visit the Shinshu Kokubun-ji Temple in Ueda City on the night of January 7th for the annual Youkadou event. The narrow lane leading to the temple is lined with food stalls, lending a festival feel to the proceedings. After lining up to worship at the temple, visitors buy symbolic 'sominshorai' talismans and then head for the dharma doll markets to bargain for this year's purchase of those curious good luck charms.

This year, the New Years rush took its toll on my body, and I came down with some nasty head conditions. I was in no shape to go out late at night into sub-freezing temperatures.

Yet there I was, starting off the new year Nagano-style.

Just goes to show you how deep of a Nagano-ite I've become.

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