餅つきの奥深さに感動 Amazed at the Depth of the Mochi Making Tradition

2013.01.03: 日米関係Culture Shock

Murakoshi-san and Kurihara-san helping steam the Mochi rice.




Mochi (sticky rice) -Tsuki (pounding) is an age-old New Years tradition here in Japan. My first experience was back when I lived in Ueda City after graduating college. During my first winter here, I went to a shopping center around New Years. At the entrance, a bunch of people were gathered and were making an exciting commotion. As I went to check it out, I saw the Mochi-pounding in action, and realized that was the legendary Mochi-Tsuki.

Of course, I tried my hand with the hammer and helped pound. My first impression was the whole thing seemed a bit simple.

For this New Years, we at Kamesei decided to make use of the antique mochi-pounding mortar, and do a Mochi-Tsuki event for our guests. Hence, for the first time, I experienced the process from the beginning stages. Procuring the 'kine' hammers, prepping the 'usu' mortar by soaking its bowl with water, buying the wood-burning pot set, using it to pre-steam the Mochi rice. Fortunately a couple of guardian angels from our neighborhood came and coached me through the process. Our Mochi prep was a success!

I no longer consider Mochi-making to be 'simple'!