Beyond those doors, the most amazing green color of onsen you'll ever see
そして、もう一つ: 色。
The world of Japanese Onsens never stops to amaze me. There is such a variety of hot spring waters -- different temperatures, mineral content, smells, tastes, effects.
And, colors!
I recently went to Togura Kanze Onsen, one of the 7 public bath houses here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. I was suprised to see the amazing green color of the main bath.
Kanze Onsen is built in the style of a 'sento' public bath house. You buy your ticket from a vending machine, entrances to the changing rooms are divided male and female, at the entrance you hand your ticket to the attendant sitting at the 'Bandai' booth.
It's a bit unsettling that the old lady sitting at the Bandai has a full view into the changing room. But just swallow your pride, and deal with it. (Note that Kanze Onsen is BYOSS -- Bring Your Own Soap and Shampoo.)
The bathing area has 2 baths. One is a 3-4 person small one whose dedicated onsen source is a bit on the lukewarm-side, but with a pleasant sulfur smell and a bit of a brown tint to the water. The main bath, and Kanze Onsen's claim to fame (among us Onsen-geeks anyways) uses a separate onsen source that is a bit warmer (the bath temperature was a moderate 40 deg C) and a similar sulfur content, but its color was an amazing shade of green.
It's crazy that a negligible difference in location of the onsen source can produce such a unique color of water. But regardless, besides us onsen-lovers, Kanze has a huge following of regular users.
By the way, Kanze Onsen's name refers to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy, who apparently is responsible for the onsen source being discovered back in 1932.
So for an onsen bath with an amazing shade of green, as well as a mystical origin, check out Togura Kanze Onsen.
戸倉観世温泉 Togura Kanze Onsen

The Facade with Daylight