山芋の様に 地元の農家との交流 Like a Yama-imo: Meeting the Local Farmers

2012.11.22: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

So this is what a Yamaimo root feels like.





One day we have a Prefecture-sponsored trade show with local farmers and producers. The next day we have a Farm-Inspection sponsored by Chikuma City. The farmers in the Goka district showed us ryokan owners and the chefs what type of produce they are growing. We learned so much great info, like just how many varieties of daikon radish there are, and the difference between yama-imo roots grown here vs. their more famous brethren grown in Nagano City's Matsushiro area. (Both are grown in the sandy soil along the Chikuma River, but ours have more stickiness, and Matsushiro's are more watery.)

Again, I took back lots of great info to our chef, so hopefully we'll be able to feature even more local produce here at Kamesei Ryokan.

Several varieties of daikon radish

Nozawana (rapeseed), ready for preserving

Black beans used in our local specialty, "shoyu mame" 醤油豆の黒豆


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