「紬」テーマの客室庭の新しい顔 Facelift for our Silk-themed Room's Garden

2012.11.14: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

espaliered mulberry bush in the background





Kamesei Ryokan's silk-themed room "Matsukaze" has a garden that was re-built 2 years ago by our gardener, Okada-san. He designed the garden to reflect the room's theme. Accordingly, he planted a mulberry bush. Recently the mulberry bush's branches had grown long and shaggy, probably leaving a poor impression on our guests. However, we were letting it grow out on purpose, so we could tie the branches to the garden's fence, espalier-style.

This week, our gardener came and worked on the silk-themed garden as well as a few others. So our mulberry bush is now made up in an espalier, greatly improving the garden's overall appearance.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, starting with our naka-niwa central garden, we have tsubo-niwa pocket gardens, private gardens for the semi-detached guestrooms, and more gardens everywhere throughout our inn. Unfortunately, they had been severely neglected over the years. But since Mari and I moved to start running the inn 7 years ago, every year we have been making gradual improvements to the gardens.

Kamiyamada's authentic onsen water,
Our Chef Takei's culinary magic,
Kamesei Ryokan's traditional ambience,
Our 'omotenashi' service,
and the gardens,
all serve to provide our guests a relaxing time.

亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


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