庭作り: ザ・デッキ Garden-Making: The Deck

2012.11.08: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

New garden deck for 'Yayoi'





As mentioned in a previous entry, I am working on creating a waterfall for the garden of Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Yayoi". Rather than just having the garden to be enjoyed from inside the guestroom, as it is a fairly spacious garden I decided to build a wood deck. That way on days with warm weather, guests can venture outside and enjoy the garden from the deck, as well.

Probably not too many Japanese ryokans have guestrooms with their own garden decks. But we Americans love wood decks, and I decided to add a touch of garden construction from back home.

Pictured is a scene of the deck building process.


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