地元の農家・加工屋・旅館の交流会 Local Farmers, Producers and Inns Discussion Group

2012.10.02: その他 Miscellaneous





Chikuma City Hall's econ department put on a farmers/ producers/ ryokan get-together to try to create better connections among the three groups.

The farmers explained what crops they are producing,
The producers talked about the food-related products they are making,
And the ryokans considered what local products we could better use.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we already source a lot of of our foodstuffs locally, but we are always looking for better options. Hopefully this discussion group will continue.

One thing that came out of the discussions was the need to make the products more available to the guests of our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada. I really wish we had an official 'Michi-no-Eki' roadside station for farmers to sell their goods at. One other area I'd like to see advanced is for visitors to be able to go into the fields and experience farmwork firsthand. I took our kids once to try planting onion seedlings, and they had a great time.

We had some great discussions at this gathering -- I look forward to more in the future.

Example of Local Collaboration: Locally-made Oyaki Dumplings using Locally-Grown Onions

戸倉上山田温泉で川遊び Playing in the River at Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen

2012.10.01: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Misaki playing down by the Chikuma River (with her souvenir from Okinawa)


この間は娘の美咲ちゃんを連れて、川に石投げをしました。単純な遊びでしたが、一時間もいました。「そろそろ暗くなるから帰ろう」と言ったら、「海でもっと遊びたい」と。いいえ、海じゃなくて、川ですけど… 5才人に千曲が広くて、海の様に感じるらしい。


Our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is blessed with having the Chikuma River flow through its center. Every once in a while, I get the urge to go play by the river. Sometimes its just to take a walk, other times its to go for a bike ride on the riverside cycling path. Or maybe to go fly a kite in the breeze along the river banks.

The other day, I took our daughter Misaki down to the river just to throw rocks. It was simple fun, but we ended up playing for over an hour. "Misaki, it's getting dark so we should go back." "No, I wanna keep playing in the ocean!" Uhh, it's a river, not an ocean... I guess to a 5-year old the Chikuma River is so big it feels like the ocean.

Simple play. Enjoying Mother Nature. And having father-daughter fun. All right here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen along the Chikuma River.