白馬連峰: 高山植物パラダイス Hakuba Range: Alpen Wildflowers Paradise

2012.08.01: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

Alpine rhododendron

先日は息子達と北アルプスの白馬連峰で山登りをしてきました。その雄大の山々の眺めが感激だったが、足元にもう一つの感激があった: 高山植物。




The other day my sons and I went mountain climbing in the Northern Alps. As we were hiking around the 2600m level in the Hakuba Range, we were treated to awe-inspiring mountain scenery. But there at our feet was something else that was awe-inspiring: alpine wildflowers.

We were delighted to see so many different types of wildflowers on the peaks. Some we were familiar with, such as rhododendrons and wild strawberries, but others we had never seen before.

Down here in town, in our usual daily lives, we often see beautiful flowers that people planted in their gardens. But alpine wildflowers grow with no help by human hand, and in such extreme conditions. Sublimely awe-inspiring.

Isn't Nagano great?!