長野トップ100温泉: 菱野温泉 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Hishino Onsen

2012.08.06: その他 Miscellaneous

しかし、行ってみたら、感動しました。登山電車はどちらかというと、ちょっと一昔の雰囲気だったが、自分で運転できるって夢のようだった。(まあ、ボタンを押すだけだけど…) そして、お風呂の施設はログハウスっぽい作りから、パノラマの眺め露天風呂から、素晴らしかった。温泉の成分はそれこそ薄く感じたけど、施設の細かいところまで手がかかれて、感激だった。温泉文化に割と深く経験している私は沢山の刺激を受けました。

I had heard the rumors (legend?) before: For Hishino Onsen's Tokiwakan you ride a cable car to get to the bath.

Hmm. Real onsens usually don't have to resort to such gimmicks to get people to come. I mean, if your onsen has great mineral content to start out with, why bother with putting apples in the water or using a barrel for the bath, right?

So I was dubious about Hishino Onsen.

I hereby apologize.

I went there the other day as part of my onsen-hopping trip in eastern Nagano. Sure the cable car was past its prime, but getting to actually drive it ourselves more than made up for any rust. (All driving it meant was pushing a button, but still...)

And the bathhouse, with its loghouse-type construction, and the many baths with amazing views of the Chikuma River valley below, and the attention to detail in the construction everywhere -- even this hardened onsen-lover was amazed.

菱野温泉常盤館Hishino Onsen Tokiwakan