戸倉上山田中国語マップの初使い Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada's new Chinese Map's 1st Use

2012.05.08: 活動 Activities

Han-san using Togura Kamiyamada's new Chinese Map




The new Chinese version of onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada's gourmet guide / walking map is getting put to use. Han-san, a tourist from Singapore, spent a night here at Kamesei Ryokan and used the map to explore the town.

Two years ago I put together the English version of the map. Now, with the help of a Chinese staffmember of another inn as well as grant money from Chikuma City, I got this Chinese version published. It is simplified Chinese, as used in the mainland. Singapore apparently also uses the same characters so Han-san put the map to good use.

Han-san was happy to have the map. I, too, was happy to see all my hard effort pay off.