姨捨棚田・長楽寺の新しい看板 New Signs at Obasute Chouraku-ji Temple

2012.04.17: その他 Miscellaneous

New Signs at Choraku-ji Temple in Obasute




Lately I've been going to Obasute Station often to help out with spring cleaning and planting flowers. On one such trip, I stopped to see the Choraku-ji,the historic temple located to the side of the famous moon-reflecting Obasute terraced rice fields. I was pleased to see there are new signs at the temple. They explain how the rice fields have been designated as a nationally-recognized scenic spot, as well as explanations of some of the areas legends.

When visiting Obasute, I highly suggest stopping to see Choraku-ji. It is only a 15 minute walk from Obasute Station, and for visitors coming by car, there is ample parking at the nearby Obasute Tourist Center. Inside the Center is a soba restaurant, Rakugetsu-an.

Planting Flowers with O-san and T-san at Obasute Stataion's platform

Tsuki-mi (Moon-Viewing) Soba at the Rakugetsu-an