姨捨正宗蔵開き ママとパパと Obasute Masamune's Open Brewery Day, with Mom and Dad

2012.03.25: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

With Mom and Dad in front of Obasute Masamune's historical sake brewery.






Our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is fortunate to have a sake brewery nearby: Obasute Masamune in Chikuma City's Kuwabara district. We here at Kamesei Ryokan proudly serve Obasute Masamune's sake. So when we were invited to their annual "Open Brewery", I jumped at the opportunity. And as my folks are here visiting from the States, I took them along.

For the special event, there were free samples, free amazake (sweet sake), free sake lees to take home. But more than the freebies, what made the biggest impression was the half hour tour of the brewery and its historical buildings. From tasting the actual spring water they use from the nearby natural spring, to climbing up and taking a whiff of the the mixture fermenting in one of their huge vats, it was a fascinating tour.

The most amazing part was hearing how one section had to be checked on every 2 hours around the clock. And our guide was the one that did that for 2-1/2 solid months.


Even my parents were impressed by the process, and bought sake to take home as momentos.

酒蔵の姨捨正宗Obasute Masamune Sake Brewery

The tour

Modern facitilities with touches from the past

The vats

The lab

The new cedar sprig ball

Free amazake (sweet sake) and soup

Sake sampling

Free sake lees

Storehouse walls made of earth and straw