亀清旅館の中庭に滞在お客さん A Long-Term Guest for Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa Garden

2012.03.08: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's newest guest -- a white heron






The white heron in the picture is not a statue. It's an actual bird, and it has been stalking the koi in our central garden's pond here at Kamesei Ryokan.

A while ago it started visiting our garden but would be startled by the smallest movement and fly off. But lately it's gotten used to us, so no matter what we do it doesn't budge. It just keeps standing there, seemingly drooling over our koi fish. He seems to know that we can't fly and catch him.

Our onsen town Togura-Kamiyada is nestled in between the surrounding hills and the Chikuma River, making for a very natural setting. Just last night a guest saw a raccoon walking on one of our guestrooms. And in the past, I've seen a deer family walk across the road above our town.

It seems the animals like our onsen, too!