長野の温泉 英字電子本の為の研究 Nagano Onsen's: Researching for an E-Book

2012.01.11: 活動 Activities

Takizawa-sensei talking onsen to Peter




従って、私が全面的に協力しています。今回はアポを取って、Peterさんを連れて上山田温泉資料館に行きました。その滝沢先生が親切に温泉の詳しい事 地理、歴史、引っ張り出し方など等 を教えてくれました。3時間も打ち合わせしました。(滝沢先生に感謝!)


My fellow ex-pat here in Togura-Kamiyamada, Peter-san has started writing his 3rd guide book for the area. His first, "Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano: 20 Nature, History and Culture Tours in Chikuma City" is already available as an e-book. The 2nd in that series will be about Ueda City and surrounds. The work is currently in hiatus until spring so additional mountain hikes can be researched.

His 3rd will be about Nagano' onsens. There are many publications out there in Japanese for Japanese people about the various remote onsens, or baths with panoramic views, etc., etc. But judging from the foreigners that stay at Kamesei Ryokan, that information would be useful for English speakers, too. So I have been helping any way I can to assist Peter in his endeavors.

That's how we found ourselves at the Kamiyamada Onsen Museum. I scheduled an appointment and Peter and I had the privelege of Takizawa-sensei giving us an in-depth description of Nagano's onsens -- the geology, the history, the mechanics, etc.

For consideration, I compiled my list of Nagano's top 100 onsen features. I would gladly welcome comments for addition / changes to the list.

Peterさんの千曲市の本 Peter's Chikuma City book

Comments / Opinions Wanted

信州のお正月: どんど焼きと八日堂 New Years Tradtions in Nagano: Dondo Yaki & Yokado

2012.01.10: その他 Miscellaneous

My Nagano life, in sominshouraifu (guess which year I skipped to go to Disneyland)







Here in Nagano, we have a couple of celebrations on the first weekend of the year that, without which, the year doesn't really start.

This past Saturday was Ueda City's Kokubun-Ji Temple's Yokado festival, and the holiday Monday was our neighborhood's 'dondo-yaki' bonfire.

Yokado is mainly celebrated in the evening on January 7th. Everyone gathers in the cold (it was -7C this year!) to pay their respects at the temple, then buys a dharma doll at the dharma market (those guys really know how to bargain with you!), and buy some fried octopus balls or something at one of the food stands (I tried an omelet-frankfurter for the first time). Most important, though, is buying a "sominshouraifu", a hand carved and painted wooden object that supposedly wards off evil and beckons good luck for the new year.
For me, though, these talismans are a symbol of my life here in Nagano. This year, I bought the 4th one, the biggest size. Next year I start over at the 1st one, the smallest. When lined up, the sominshouraifu are a visual reminder to me of how long I've been here.

On Monday, the "Coming of Age Day" holiday, everyone from our Kamiyamada Onsen neighborhood gathered at the park along the Chikuma river, piled up all the spent New Years decorations, and had a bonfire. While the fire is a sensual treat, it is the bonding with the neighbors over sake and fresh-roasted mochi sticky rice that is so meaningful for me. Forget all the civic improvement meetings and the summer festival worries, it is a time for simply slapping a neighbor on the back, wishing them a happy new year, seeing how their children have grown, and having a sake with them.

I feel fortunate to have this community here to bond with!

信濃国分寺 Shinano Kokubun-Ji Temple

With Andy braving the -7C temp's at Yokado

The Dondo Yaki pyre

Happy New Year sake and mochi

忍者屋敷の地下室で夕食? Dinner in a Ninja Lair's Basement?

2012.01.09: グルメFoodie

Dinner in a ninja room










Ninjas are just a work of fiction, or something out of the movies, right?

Then, what's that nasty scythe doing on the wall? And why is there a katana hanging from the ceiling?

This must be Gotoku-tei, a restaurant in the basement (of course) of Taisei Abinasu Bldg. 5 minutes from Nagano Station. The owner, Miyashita-san, when he isn't serving the best of Nagano Prefecture's cuisine, practices the art of ninjutsu.

Togakure style.

Don't believe me? Just ask him. But not before indulging in his only-in-Nagano specialties.

Raw horse meat? Served 5 ways.
Grilled locusts and bee larvae? Of course.
And to wash it down, local sake? Not only a wide selection on the menu, but ask for their off-the-menu choices, too.

Gotoku-tei has always been one of our family's favorite restaurants. Now with their new ninja room, we enjoyed it even more!

ごとく亭 Gotoku-Tei

兄弟で青山からUターン Cafe戸隠基地 Brother & Sister Back from Aoyama: Cafe Togakushi Base

2012.01.08: グルメFoodie

The Next Generation











As proprietors of a family run small inn, we here at Kamesei applaud the efforts of similar family run small businesses.

One thing we have come to realize is that such businesses share a common concern: whether or not the next generation will continue the business.

When working to improve one's town, it's important to have as one of the goals to make a town that the next generation will want to come back to.

I recently came across a probable success story. In Togakushi, known for its soba, is one soba shop called Yamaguchi-ya. The owners have worked hard and built a thriving business. Mr. Yamaguchi in particular is active with promoting Togakushi tourism as well as maintaining the local martial arts tradition, Togakure-do. He has even worked with me on projects to promote Nagano overseas.

Their son and daughter went off to Tokyo for college, and started working at restaurants in the tony Aoyama district. Would they leave the italian restaurant and patisserie world and come back to the mountain?

They did, and they remodelled the family's 2nd location at the base of the ski slopes and opened "Cafe Togakure Base". With its stylish, Aoyama-esque interior, besides their mainstay soba noodles, they also serve, you guessed it, italian food and confectionary concoctions.

We wish the brother and sister team great success!

戸隠基地 Togakushi Base

Cafe Togakure Base Facade

Menu combining the old and new

この為に長野に来ました: スノーシュー@戸隠 This is what I came to Nagano for: Snowshoeing at Togakushi

2012.01.07: その他 Miscellaneous

Misaki snowshoeing at Togakushi






私達は県道36号沿いで車を止めて、普通な靴で杉並び木の入口にある随神門まで歩きました。そしてスノーシューを履いて、左折して、森林植物園に入りました。鏡池向けのコースなのでクロスカントリースキーで人気あるみたい; スキーの後は歩きやすい道となっていました。100mぐらいで先の参道と平行して、入口に戻るトレールがある。というか、雪の下にトレールがあったが、足跡は無かったから雪はそのまま0.5mぐらいの深さでした。





Togakushi Highlands above Nagano City's Zenkoji Temple is in the midst of a popularity 'boom' right now for being a 'power spot'. Our family has been fans of Togakushi's natural energy long before the 'boom', and not just in summertimes but in winter, too.

The last day of our family's New Years holiday, we went for a drive up to Togakushi and had soba for lunch. Then we rented snow shoes and went for a walk to the cedar trees lining the path to 'Okusha', the Inner Shrine.

You may be wondering what the access to the cedar trees (the power spot 'vortex') is like in the winter. The trail is used well enough that even this far into winter, with a half a meter of snow accumulation, the trail itself is compacted enough to travel with normal hiking shoes.

We had a couple from Australia staying at our inn last week. Using a couple of pairs of rubber boots that we lent them, they made the trek to Okusha just fine. The last 200 meters past the trees to the shrine itself can be steep and slippery, so be careful.

In our case, we carried our snow shoes to Zuijinmon gate, the entrance to the cedar trees. Then after putting on our shoes, we walked along the side road towards Kagami-ike (Mirror Pond). This course is popular with cross-country skiiers and the single-track path they created was easy to walk along. After about 100 meters, there is a path parallel to the trail to Zuijinmon Gate that leads back to the entrance. This path had no foot prints or ski tracks -- totally virgin snow.

This is where our snowshoes came in handy!

I trailblazed the way through the powder snow, with the kids and Mari following behind. Going through the cedar tree glens and deciduous tree woods, over the marshes where skunk cabbage comes up in the spring, all with fresh snow criss-crossed with animal tracks -- this is the type of nature only accessible with snow shoes. I was in heaven!

Before we moved to Japan, I had gone snowshoeing fairly frequently in the mountains around Seattle. But this was my first time here in Japan. And Togakushi was the perfect place. I am so glad I came to Nagano!


Info on Togakushi at the following link. On January 21st, the 'Dondo Yaki' fire festival will be held at the Togakushi Chuusha Ski Slopes. Details also at the following link.


Zuijinmon and the 'power' cedars

2m Tyler dwarfed

Andy's first snow shoeing

Trail meant for snowshoeing

Togakushi Forest Preserve

For the little creatures, too

M-Waveでスケート選手と滑る Skating with the Athletes at M-Wave

2012.01.06: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

M-Wave's facade



普段はなかなかない見れない姿: 直ぐ側にスピードスケートの選手がすーっと滑って 楽に見えるけど実はすごい力。




Ice Skating is one of the joys of winter here in Nagano. Our family during this New Years holiday period went skating at Nagano City's M-Wave, home of the '98 Winter Olympic speed skating.

True to its Olympic venue origins, there are always speed skating athletes training during regular skating hours. As recreational skaters make there way around the oval, the athletes go whizzing by in their 'speed' lane. It's very exciting, especially when a line of 10 or so skaters go by in a sort of speed train.

This winter, if you want to try ice skating here in Nagano, M-Wave is a great place to watch speed skating athetes as you have enjoy a bit of skating yourself.

M-Wave is approx. 40 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada. Or you take the train from Togura Station to Nagano Station and catch a bus to M-Wave.


赤ちゃん雪猿+上林温泉ニュース Baby Snow Monkey + Kanbayashi Onsen News

2012.01.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Snow Monkey Baby



五平餅とスパゲティー?すごい組み合わせ。まあ、私は言う立場じゃないですけどね (伝統的な温泉旅館の青い目の若旦那なので…)



I wonder if the Jigokudan snow monkeys realize it's New Years. They seemed oblivious to the larger than normal crowd of people there for the New Years holiday. My old host brother was visiting, so we took him and his family to go see the monkeys. They really enjoyed seeing them, and I got to take a few choice pictures of the monkeys bathing in the onsen, including a really cute baby monkey.

During the winter months, the main access to the snow monkey park is via Kanbayashi Onsen. Near the path entrance is a small restaurant that had previously been closed during the winter. However, Mokubei was open and happily selling their trademark goheimochi (sticky rice with a sweat sauce) as well a Japanese, Chinese and Italian mix of noodle dishes -- soba, ramen, and ... spaghetti.

Hmm, goheimochi and spaghetti -- a rather odd combination. However, I am not one to talk, being the blue-eyed proprietor of a traditional Japanese inn.

By the way, our family's favorite spot for eating by the snow monkeys is the rustic ryokan across the river from the park -- Korakukan. We especially love their 'chimaki' (rice wrapped in bamboo leaves) in addition to their soba.

Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park
Kanbayashi Onsen map

Gohei mochi, soba, and ... spaghetti? Mokubei by the entrance to the snow monkeys path

Monkeys to the right, people (for chimaki) to the left

初詣@善光寺 + 鬼島太鼓との出会い New Years @ Zenkoji + Meeting Kijima Taiko

2012.01.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki at Zenkoji










Here in northern Nagano, the most popular temple / shrine to visit for New Years is the esteemed Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. On the 2nd, I took our kids to pay our respects. Despite the snowy conditions, there was a healthy throng of visitors to the temple, including a few brave ladies wearing kimonos.

We took the train to Nagano City and were treated to a taiko performance that was being held in front of the MIDORI department store next to Nagano Station.

To be honest, I've seen my fair share of taiko performances over the years. Everything from amateur groups for free in Seattle, to the world-class Kodo pro group from Sado Island (certainly not for free). But never before have I been so overwhelmingly amazed as with this group that performed, Kijima Taiko from the Kijimadaira Village, northeast of Nagano City.

Kijima Taiko is made up of only girls, and only of school age. Once the member graduate highschool, they automatically 'retire' from the group. Not only do they participate in nationwide contests, but they also perform overseas once a year.

5 girls of their elementary school division performed today.
With snow falling around, they banged away on the taiko drums while laying down, while jumping, while dancing, while shouting,
from one song to the next with absolutely no rest in between,
It wasn't a testosterone-filled show of strength, it was simply raw girl-energy.
All the while with snow falling around!

It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Our 4 year old Misaki was so impressed, when we got back to Kamesei she excitedly played the taiko drums in our lobby for what seemed like endlessly.

Girls growing up in the countryside likely don't have much opportunity to excel and put their energy to use in such a way that it puts them on the world stage. I applaud Kijima Taiko for giving these girls this opportunity. I am sure the members take this experience with them and put it to use succeeding in their adult lives.

Every year Kijima Taiko performs a spring concert, and this year it will take place in Sakaki, next to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. It will be on Saturday March 24th, and I am so looking forward to seeing it!

鬼島太鼓 Kijima Taiko

Feel the girl power -- Kijima Taiko

お正月のお祝いで「お屠蘇」 'O-Toso' In Celebration of the New Year

2012.01.02: 季節 Seasons

O-Toso Tyler






In Japan, there is a New Years tradition called O-Toso involving drinking a mixture of Chinese herbs to ward off sickness for the year. Recently this tradition has evolved into the practice of passing out sake.

In that spirit, for our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan for the New Years holiday, I went around at dinner time to all the guests and poured some special sake, including one with real gold flakes in it.

Happy New Year, everyone, and we wish you a safe and healthy 2012.