The Forest Service Building near Kamikochi
1つめはスイスやカナダなど、もっとすごい山のある国から来る方は恐らく上高地でしか触れない事を目指す: 上高地の信仰や文化、山の歌、囲炉裏で焼いたイワナ、上高地の高山植物や秘密写真スポット等。
The nature guides at Kamikochi, the gateway to the Japanese Alps, got funding to produce a guide's guide (?) in English so as to be able to accommodate English-speaking travellers next season. I got called to go and assist in discussing which topics should be translated into English.
So yesterday, myself and a gentleman from community support think tank SCOP drove to Sawando, the gateway to Kamikochi, and met with the guides.
Which topics to translate?
To me, that's a "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" problem. Define the target audience, then deciding which topics will become clearer.
There appear to be two main type of English-speaking foreigners at Kamikochi.
First are guests from Switzerland, Canada and other places abounding in natural wilderness. For them, they want to experience something they can't back home. Hence topics about Kamikochi's unique mysticism and culture; mountain songs, sitting around a hearth roasting trout, Kamikochi's alpine flowers, secret photo locations, etc.
Second are guests from Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. or perhaps Westerners that are living in Tokyo. In their case, they want to see and touch and smell Kamikochi's magnificent mountains and wildlife, to be 'one with nature'. They're going to need answers to questions like 'How did the mountains get this big?', or "What's that tree?", or "Where does the river flow from?"
The guides have a big job ahead of them, but I appreciate their enthusiasm for Inbound. I, too, am a huge fan of Kamikochi, and wish them the best.