長野県旅館青年部: 飛び出すジャパン! Nagano Ryokan Junior Assoc.: Beyond Japan!

2011.11.08: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

With the translator Chen-san at the Peking Tourism Trade Show






As the leader of the Inbound committee for Nagano Prefecture's Junior Ryokan Association, one of our goals for this 2 year term is to do some PR for Nagano overseas. Talking with the Prefecture's Tourism Department, we were invited to accompany the Governor on his sales trip to Peking.

Myself and four other junior innkeepers took advantage of the opportunity and flew to Peking to take part in a sales conference. The translator and guide provided lots of advice on what Chinese travellers are interested in -- from shopping for non-copy brand goods to rock climbing. I felt Nagano is well-situated for a lot of their needs, with Karuizawa being a shopping paradise and rock climbing as close as our backdoor, Kamuriki-yama.

One other thing I realized is the importance of figuring in the Chinese travel companies and guides, offering tour packages that provide profit for them.

All in all, the trip to Peking really opened my eyes to Chinese tourism!


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