Matsumoto City is a popular place to stop on the way to or from Kamesei / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Our family took a rare day off to go for a drive and explore the town.
Unfortunately, many visitors to 'Moto see the famous castle and call it good. There is so much more to the town, people should really get out and explore it.
We based our wanderings around the shopping streets Nawate and Nakamachi. There's everything from antique shops to clothing boutiques that the proprietress loves, and outdoor goods shops that I love. And with all the water features around town including riverside parks and drinking wells, the kids never got bored.
You could conceivable get lost in the shopping all day, but you eventually have to take a break to eat. And Matsumoto certainly has you covered with a corncupia of unique restaurants. This trip, we patronized burger shop U2 and pizza / pasta restaurant Seattle (Hmm, I've heard that name somewhere).
It would be a shame not to also see some of Matsumoto's cultural attractions, too. This time we passed on seeing the city's art museum because we had plans to see the Kodo taiko concert at the classy Performing Arts Center. Some of the patrons were dressed in kimono -- people in Matsumoto really know how to do it up right.
Next weekend is Matsumoto's annual Craft Fair. So if you are in Nagano on May 28th or 29th, consider attending the Craft Fair. And if you weren't planning on coming, perhaps you should -- this is a legitimate arts and crafts fair, one of Japan's largest.
And then make the trip to Kamesei for a bath (only 45 minutes by car, or 45 minutes from Matsumoto Station to Obasute Station).
クラフトフェアーまつもとのHPはこちらClick here for Craft Fair Matsumoto's website.

One of the many riverside parks

Yummy U2 burger shop

Mayb e there's a Matsumoto sushi shop in Seattle