戸倉の節分草情報: 今は満開! Togura 'setubunsou' flower Update: Full Bloom!

2011.04.03: 季節 Seasons

Photo courtesy of Peter Ninnes




With this year seeing cold temperatures continuing for longer than normal, our town's trademark flowers, the apricot blossoms in Mori, haven't started blooming yet. On the other hand, one of our lesser known flowers, the setubunsou in Togura's Kitty Park have also been delayed and are actually in full bloom right now.

My buddy Peter Ninnes sent these pictures today of the setsubunsou in peak form. They are a petite plant, with tiny 5-cm small white flowers featuring bright yellow stamen and purple stigma. A very photographic flower -- if you can find them. And they are very rare. We are fortunate to have a grouping of them here locally. Now is a great chance to come and see them.

亀清の玄関の花:春先バージョンa laみどりさん Kamesei's entrance flowers: Early Spring Version a la Midori-san

2011.04.02: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Thanks, Midori-san




When I got back from my trip home to the States, I was happy to see new flowers in the pots at Kamesei Ryokan's entrance. Apparently while I was away, our cousin Midori-san from Tokyo came and made a little flower magic for our inn. Nice flowers for the start of Spring. And the apricot blossoms in our town are starting to bloom, the days are getting a bit warmer. Spring is definitely in the air!

森「あんずの里」 花見情報 2011 Mori 'Apricot Village' Blossom Report

2011.04.01: 季節 Seasons





So, the 2011 Mori 'Apricot Village' Apricot Festival is scheduled to start tomorrow, 02-April. But will the apricot trees blossom on time? Today I drove over to check it out.

Mori's Apricot Village is a relatively long valley and the trees bloom differently depending on if you're down at the bottom or up at the top. Well, I scoured the valley from top to bottom, and the only tree I saw blooming was the one in front of the Apricot Village Tourism Hall. Go figure!

One local little old lady told me the blooms won't be ready for 'hanami' (flower viewing) until April 8th this year. I guess the low temperatures that have been continuing even into the start of spring are making the trees bloom late this year.

But as the saying in Japan goes, "It's the sweets more than the flowers!" Mori makes for a nice daytrip even if the blossoms aren't in full bloom. And don't forget the apricot flavored soft ice cream, too!

Make sure to come to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for a bath, too!

Apricot Village Tourism Hall

Close-up of the apricot blossoms