篠ノ井イヤーに篠ノ井の光林寺しだれ桜満開 Shinonoi Year - Shinonoi's Kourinji Sakura

2011.04.22: 季節 Seasons












最新情報: 長野観光協会x光林寺 花見コース
長野CVBの知り合い、跡部さんから嬉しい情報が入りました:4月24日に「篠ノ井の史跡と花を一度に満喫 合戦場めぐりと桃・桜花見コース」のツアーが行うそうです。詳しい事は:http://shinonoi.jp/event_spring#hanami

(Nagano City's Shinonoi district, Korin-ji Temple's 'shidare sakura' cherry blossoms in full bloom.)



Even Andy thinks the temple is cool

イースターエッグは1130個を準備 Stuffing 1,130 Easter Eggs

2011.04.21: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Getting the Easter Eggs Ready







Today I hooked up with the Chikuma International Exchange Association members and stuffed 1,130 Easter eggs in prepration for this Sunday's Easter Egg Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. We stuffed the eggs with yummy candy and will be hiding them in the Fountain Park, the site along the banks of the Chikuma River where the big event will take place.

We already have RSVP's from 120 kids, and the weather report shows sunshine, so it's shaping up to be another fun event.

This is the 6th annual running of the Easter Egg Festival (that must mean it's my 6th spring here in Togura Kamiyamada!) and every year more and more local kids look forward to and partcipate in it.

Smiling kids.

A livelier onsen town.

And this year, a wish for some happiness following the March 11th earthquake!

獅子花見 Flower Viewing with a shishi lion

2011.04.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

The hanami lion




さすが花の時期: 外へ出かけたくなる。花の力はすごいよね。

Here are a couple of pictures of cherry blossom flower viewing from this weekend.

First is a picture of the Kamiyamada Kagura Preservation troupe's shi-shi lion. We performed at local Chishiki-ji Temple's annual spring ceremony, then headed to Chuo Park right behind our inn here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for another dance.

The second picture is of our daughter Misaki enjoying the swings in the same park with the cherry blossoms in the background.

There is something about cherry blossoms that makes you want to go outside and enjoy the flowers. Sakura are magical in that way.

戸倉上山田温泉のあんず穴場 Lesser-Known Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Apricot Orchard

2011.04.19: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Wakamiya Anzu






A couple of days ago, one of our regular guests complained that the only apricot blossoms I write about in this blog are the ones in Mori's Apricot Village. "We just stopped to see the apricot blossoms in the Wakamiya orchard next to your onsen town. The location along the Chikuma River and the mountains in the background make for such lovely scenery. And the blossoms are just as pretty as the ones in Mori. How come you don't introduce the Wakamiya apricot blossom on your blog?"

Well, after hearing that, I went to check out the Wakamiya apricot blossoms myself. I have to admit, I am partial to Mori's laid back farming village feel. But the blossoms in Wakamiya were indeed charming. So if you like apricot blossoms with a riverside setting and don't want the crowds or need the souvenir / soft ice cream shops of Mori, and wish to be able to walk to them from your ryokan here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, then the Wakamiya orchard is for you!

The Wayamiya apricot orchard is 10-15 minutes on foot from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The walking path entrance is just down river from Taisho Bridge. Visitors are allowed entrance with the gracious cooperation of the farmer -- please obey rules accordingly.

Wakamiya Anzu Fan

あんずの里の穴場: 倉科 Apricot Village's Lesser-Known Kurashina side

2011.04.18: 季節 Seasons

Kurashina's apricot blossoms




Chikuma City's 'Anzu no Sato' Apricot Village can be crowded during apricot blossom time. But actually the 'village' comprises two valleys, the popular Mori valley and the lesser-known Kurashina valley.

While Mori valley is breathtakingly beautiful when covered in apricot blossoms, Kurashina's apricot trees are quite charming as well.

Last weekend, I took our kids there for a bit of 'hanami' flower viewing fun. Here are some pictures of Kurashina's apricot blossoms.

森「あんずの里」: あんずの花が満開! Mori's 'Apricot Village' trees in full bloom

2011.04.17: 季節 Seasons

Mori 'Apricot Village' trees in full bloom



戸倉上山田温泉中央公園の桜: 満開
戸倉上山田温泉若宮地区千曲川沿いの杏: 満開 
戸倉駅の上の天狗公園の桜: 下:5~6部 上:つぼみ

伊那市観光課によると、高遠城の桜: 満開

上田城の桜: 満開
松本城の桜: 満開 (注:夜のライトアップが見事)

In the world of apricot blossoms, 2 days makes a huge difference. On Thursday, I went on a date with my wife to Apricot Village in Chikuma City's Mori district to see if the namesake apricot trees were in bloom or not. They were only at 20-30% at that time. Then I went again on Saturday, and was thrilled to see that they were in full bloom! Weekend visitors were no doubt thrilled to be able to enjoy the apricot blossoms and their subtle pink beauty. Mori's laid back farming village setting makes for such a quaint background to the apricot trees. I highly suggest a trip to see them.

Other Nagano flower info (as of Sunday 18-Apr)

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Chuo Park cherry blossoms: Full bloom
Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Wakamiya apricot blossoms along the Chikuma River: Full bloom

According to our weekend guests:
Matsumoto Castle cherry blossoms: Full Bloom (beautifully lit up at night)
Ueda Castle cherry blossoms: Full Bloom

According to Ina City Tourism Dept.:
Takato Castle cherry blossoms: Full Bloom

森「あんずの里」は戸倉上山田温泉から車で約25分。電車はしなの鉄道「屋代」からバス。 The Mori 'Apricot Village' is 25 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, or can be accessed by bus from Yashiro Station on the Shinano Railway line.

花見準備: 上山田温泉の中央公園 Flower Viewing Prep: Kamiyamada Onsen's Chuo Park

2011.04.16: 季節 Seasons

Helping to set up the Flower Viewing Tent




Chuo Kouen, the park behind Kamesei Ryokan, is the main cherry blossom spot here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Every year, the Okami-no-kai group of proprietresses sets up a tent and serves food and drinks to the flower viewing revelers. This year the tent will be in operation on April 16th and 17th (today and tomorrow).

Yesterday, I happened to walk by the park as the ladies were putting up the tent. Not that tent making is a man's job, but I figured my height my come in handy, so I decided to help out. Now I'm looking forward to going tonight after my futon flipping work is done and getting some yummy yakitori chicken.

This year, we've had a chilly start to spring and the cherry blossoms are a week later than normal as a result. I was worried that the trees wouldn't be in bloom by the time the ladies' tent starts. But those proprietress' have a sixth sense for these sort of things -- the trees just started blooming yesterday so flower viewing can proceed as hoped! I'm sure this weekend's guests will enjoy the blossoms.

あんずの里へ行く途中の必見: 県立歴史館 A Must-See on the way to the Apricot Village

2011.04.15: 季節 Seasons

Koi nobori and flowering peach trees: Nagano Pref. History Museum


こいのぼりを揚げる期間は平成23年4月3日(土)~ 平成23年5月17日(火)までだそうです。



With the apricot trees in Mori's Apricot Village starting to bloom, there will likely be a crowd of people driving over to see the blossoms. Along the way, visitors will pass the Nagano Prefectural History Museum. Next to the museum is the Shinano no sato historical village, a replicated ancient village. Besides the village's 'hana-momo' (flowering peach trees) being in full bloom, volunteers have hung 103 'koi nobori' carp streamers. All that color is sure to catch people's attention.

The carp streamers will be streaming until May 15th (with May 5th being Boys Day, the main day for the koi nobori), and the flowering peach trees are at their peak now.

We highly suggest a stop at the History Museum on the way to seeing the apricot blossoms!

長野県立歴史館のHPはこちらClick here for the Prefectural History Museum's website.

森「あんずの里」の花は2,3部 Mori's Apricot Blossoms at 20-30%

2011.04.14: 季節 Seasons

Date spot -- Mori's Apricot Village



Yesterday, Kamesei's young proprietress and I went for a date (?) to Mori's Apricot Village to check on how the blossoms are coming. They're still only at 20-30%. But from yesterday, the temperature has risen and the afternoons will be in the 20's (Celsius) through tomorrow, so we expect the apricot trees to be in full bloom by the weekend.

Will check back soon (another date?) and advise!

智識寺の春祭りは今週の日曜日 Chishiki-Ji Temple's Spring Festival this Sunday

2011.04.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

The venerable Chishi-Ji and its moss-covered thatched roof

戸倉上山田温泉の地元のお寺、智識寺 aka 十一面観音の春祭りは毎年4月17日に行います。今年は日曜日になります。ローカルな、シンプルな祭りなんですけど、だからこそ面白いと思います。


A simple, local festival featuring the airing-out of the temple’s ancient scrolls. Several monks give a solemn chant as, along with local dignitaries, they ceremonially air-out the Buddhist scrolls. This is the one time of the year that the sacred 11-Faced Goddess image is openly displayed for public viewing. A sishi-lion dance performance by the Kamiyamada Okagura Preservation troupe will also take place (with Yours Truly on the flute).

Chishiki-Ji Temple, on Nagano Prefectural Route 55 approximately 2km (25 min. walk) from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Nearest train station is Togura Station on the Shinano Railway Line.