Monthly Archives: 4月 2011
ゴールデンウィークに向かって、で~かい鯉のぼり For Golden Week -- Huuuuuge Carp Streamers
2011.04.29: 季節 Seasons以前からは亀清の玄関に鯉のぼりを飾っていました。ちょっとさみしい短い鯉でした。今日は親戚からで~かい(長さ4m!)の鯉を頂きました。紐を上げなきゃいけなかったぐらい長い。
これで連休にお越しになる皆様に元気なHappy Golden Week!の挨拶になります。
We've had 'koi nobori' carp streamers up at the entrance to our inn now for several years for every Golden Week. But the ones we had were kind of scrawny. One of our relatives brought us some huuuuuuge ones (4 meters in length!). I had to raise the rope, they were so long!
So now we have a much more energetic "Happy Golden Week!" greeting for our inn.
青年部の新部長挨拶 My First-Ever Junior Ryokan Assoc. Chairman's Address
2011.04.29: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi夕べの戸倉上山田温泉旅館組合青年部総会で、私は正式的に「青年部長」になりました。予定より2年早いで、色々と不安ですが、前向きにやります。
あっ、これが「青年部長だ」と。英語で言えば、Lead by Example.
ただ、私の場合は皆さんが逆に真似できない部分がある:青い眼の所。恐らく、「亀清が伸びているのはタイラーがテレビに出ているから;ずるい」とともっているメンバーがいるかもしれない。英語で言えば、'Media Whore'。
先日の智識寺の春祭りに県外ナンバーの車があって、後で聞いたけどこの田舎の小さな祭りは青い眼の若旦那ブログで知ったと。東京テレビやFuji TV等、ブログを見て声をかけてきた。
総会のシーズン: 東京、志賀高原と、今晩、地元の戸倉上山田温泉 'Tis the Season for Annual Meetings: Tokyo, Shiga Kogen, and tonight, here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen
2011.04.28: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi先週は東京(全旅連青年部)、一昨日は志賀高原(長野県旅館青年部)、そして今晩は地元で(戸倉上山田温泉旅館組合青年部)。総会シーズンでございます。
Last week in Tokyo for the national level of the Junior Ryokan Association, 2 nights ago in Shiga Kogen for the Nagano J.R.A., and now tonight for the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen ryokan junior assiociation -- 'tis annual meeting season.
At the Tokyo meeting, the most memorable parts were saying goodbye to my fellow members of the 'Yado Recipe' study group, greeting the flamboyant Kuramoto-san (the 'king' of the Northern Kanto/Niigata/Nagano Block), hearing Nozawa-san of the parent association talk about his experience rebuilding after the Niigata earthquake, and getting to meet Ozawa-san, the chairwoman of the Iwate Prefecture junior association. She was adamant that I go to Iwate and see the tsunami damage with my own eyes. A very intense, powerful lady.
At the prefectural meeting in still-snowy Shiga Kogen, I was officially appointed the leader of the new Inbound committee. It was a pleasure meeting my fellow team members. I'm looking forward to a productive 2 years.
And at tonight's local association meeting, I will be named the new chairperson. This, too, will be a big step for me.
Needless to say, I am nervous!
花の時期が我が宿にも来ました。 Flower Season Has Come to Kamesei, Too
2011.04.28: 季節 Seasons信州の花の時期がまだまだ続いています。小諸市の親戚から聞きましたが、ちょうど今は懐古園の桜が満開だそうです。
Nagano's spring flower show is still going on. I heard from a relative living in Komoro City that the famous sakura trees in the Kaikoen castle grounds are in full bloom right now.
And here at Kamesei Ryokan, plants and trees are blooming left and right. Two of the more showy ones are the magnolia tree in our naka-niwa main garden and the intensely bright yellow 'yamabuki' (Kerria japonica) along our watari-roka passageway.
They are blooming seemingly just in time for the big Golden Week holiday. Our guests for this peak travel season will no doubt enjoy our garden's flowers.
2011.04.27: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashiお客さんに「旅の思い出の本」を渡されて、宿から一言を書くという事。これは大体、私の仕事になります。書こうとしたら、筆ペンにインクが入っていなくて、あちらこちらに捜したが結局私が20年前ぐらいに使った書道のセットを出して、何年ぶりに墨から作りました。
戸倉天狗がまだまだ花見 Togura Tengu still doing Hanami
2011.04.26: 季節 Seasons戸倉駅の上の天狗公園の桜がまだ咲いています。お客さんの送迎で寄ったら、葉っぱが少しで始まっていたが花がまだまだ綺麗でした。
The Tengu Park above Togura Station is still full of color from the cherry blossoms. I stopped by with some guests after picking them up at the station. The trees on the hill overlooking the Chikuma River valley and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen were still in bloom. Although some were starting to leaf out, it was still a beautiful sight.
This year, Togura Tengu's flower viewing is lasting an extra long time!
イースターの晴れた日で子供達の笑顔 Smiley Faces on a Sunny Easter Sunday
2011.04.25: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada国際交流の皆さんのお蔭でイースターエッグフェスティバルin戸倉上山田温泉6は成功に終わりました。
Thanks to the Chikuma International Exchange Association, the 6th annual Easter Egg Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen was a huge success.
We were blessed with beautiful sunny weather on this Easter Sunday afternoon. The egg hunt, coloring and games, plus free omelets made from the cracked eggs from the egg toss, as well as free horse buggy rides by Toshiki-san made for a fun day for the 105 kids and their parents that participated.
Us ryokans provided onsen baths for all the participants afterwards, too.
It was great to see all the kids enjoying a bit of Western culture and fun, as well as to see our onsen town filled with laughter.
千曲市の花は切手で続く Chikuma City's Flowers Immortalized in Stamps
2011.04.24: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada千曲市の代表の花のイメージは期間・地域限定の切手になりました。主には森地区の杏ですが、セツブンソウの切手及び姨捨の「田毎の月」の棚田のも。
Chikuma City's flowers have become immortalized in limited availability stamps. Most of the stamps in the set are of Mori's apricot blossoms, but there is one of setsubunsou flowers as well as the legendary moon reflecting rice fields of Obasute.
The set is available for purchase at Chikuma City area post offices.
戸倉天狗も喜んでいる:花の時期で~す! Togura's Tengu is Happy, Too -- Flower Season is Here!
2011.04.23: 季節 Seasons戸倉駅の上のキティパークのさくらも満開になりました。でかい天狗で(地元で)有名な公園で、桜の名所です。
Kitty Park above Togura Station is at it's cherry blossom prime right now. Our family went there a couple of evenings ago for a mini flower viewing 'Hanami' party. The kids were more interested in playing on the the park's extra long slide, but Mari and I enjoyed the beautiful blossoms lit up by the evening sun.
Kitty Park's most famous resident is a huge Tengu -- a Japanese mythical goblin. He appeared to be happy surrounded by all the pretty cherry trees.
If you're headed to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen this weekend, I highly suggest stopping to see the cherry blossoms at Kitty Park. It is only 10 minutes by car from our inn.
If you do, please say 'hi' to the Tengu for us.