雪の「田毎の月」の棚田 The Obasute Terraced Rice Fields with Snow

2011.02.18: その他 Miscellaneous

Snow covered terraced rice fields



While taking some guests up to Obasute Station, I stopped to enjoy the view of the snow-covered Obasute terraced rice fields. These are rice fields of the moon-reflecting legends that attracted many a haiku poet. If you ask me, the rice fields are pretty any time and any season, not just when reflecting the moon.

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is so fortunate to have the scenic beauty of Obasute so close by.

Reverse Angle

Snowy Switchback

「恋しの湯」伝説の石のお守り Lover's Stone Charm

2011.02.17: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's new original souvenir





その伝説から出てくる赤い石のお守りはできました。戸倉上山田温泉の銀座通り商店街にあるatelier BAMBOOの佐藤さんのオリジナル作品でレッドジャスパーと言う赤い石を使って、恋しの湯伝説を記念する可愛い「叶」お守り。


atelier BAMBOOもしくは亀清旅館及び戸倉上山田温泉の旅館で買い求めて頂けます。

One of our local legends here at our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is called 'Koishi no Yu'. It is a story about a local princess long, long ago. Her husband was sent off to a war and seemingly wasn't coming back home. She prayed to the gods and the response was to go down to the Chikuma River and collect 100 red stones. If she were to do that, her lover would return.

In commemoration of that legend, Satoh-san of local atelier BAMBOO made an 'omamori' charm using red jasper, the red stone from the legend. He calls his original creation 'Kanau', meaning 'wishing for' or 'desiring'.

So if you have a particular thing you are wishing for, perhaps this power stone and the koishi-no-yu legend will do the trick!

Available at atelier BAMBOO as well as Kamesei Ryokan and other inns in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Price is 200 yen.

atelier BAMBOOのHPはこちらClick here for their website.


雪遊び@亀清旅館 Playing in the snow with Misaki

2011.02.16: 季節 Seasons

Misaki helping with the snowman




Snow! It's been a while since we've gotten so much of the white stuff.

But this snow is 'kami-yuki', meaning it came from Tokyo and the Pacific Ocean side of Japan.

That means it will melt away quickly, as opposed to snow coming from the Sea of Japan side which tends to stick around a lot longer.

Come on Misaki, let's build a snowman before the snow melts away!


もう40年間生きる理由 A Reason to Live Another 40 years

2011.02.15: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Ganshoin -- home to Hokusai's Phoenix Painting and Inspiration for Issa






という事は、完成してから160年がたっていますので、これから40年後にこの絵が一番良いそうです。40年後という事は私が80歳… その時に又来なっきゃ!

While at Obuse the other day, I also went to see Ganshoin Temple. It is famous for a ceiling painting by ukiyo-e master Hokusai as well as being the setting for one of Issa's most well-known haiku poems.

I had heard and read so much about the temple, so I was looking forward to seeing it in person. Do you really lie down on the tatami to look at Hokusai's painting? From where did Issa watch the frog mating that inspired his poem?

I had so many questions!

And luckily, the lady behind the counter was full of answers. Not only did she cure my curiosity, but she shared a number of fascinating facets about the temple.

The thing that amazed me the most was regarding the pigments in Hokusai's painting of a pheonix on the ceiling. I inquired if the colors were fading at all after being on display constantly for so many years. The lady told me Hokusai picked the pigments, he calculated their natural evolution over time in such a way that the painting's colors would be at their most brilliant 200 years after he finished. It's been on display for 160 years, so that means in another 40 years from now, the painting will be at its peak coloration.

I'm 40 now, so that means I have to come back to see it again when I'm 80 years old!

There are so many stories in that one painting -- hidden Mt. Fuji's, depictions of age-old leaves and branches that had grown attached to the 'ancient' phoenix, the gruesome fact as to why no spiders ever make webs on the painting (some of the pigments were made from poisons), etc. etc.

And then there was the garden, and the pond that was the home to the frog mating ritual that inspired Issa to write his famous poem:

Makeru na! Issa,
Kore ni ari."

Roughly translated, it means

"Skinny Frog,
Don't give up! Issa
Is here."

He apparently had taken pity on a smaller frog that was getting muscled out of the way competing with larger frogs for mating. The poem is said to have been dedicated to Issa's son who was battling an illness. Unfortunately, the son died not long after Issa wrote the haiku.

I took a quiet moment taking in the scene of the wood decked balcony overlooking the pond, home to the frolics of the battle frogs as well as to a poignant story of human drama from long, long ago.

More on Ganshoin here.

Issa's balcony

ハッピーバレンタイン@小布施 An Obuse Valentine

2011.02.14: 季節 Seasons

Happy Valentines





小布施散策+上山田温泉のお泊り: お勧めなデートコース!そして、亀清旅館の記念日プラン…完璧!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Did you have a romantic holiday? Mari and I spent a lovely day strolling around Obuse Town.

Actually, it wasn't for a date. It was our ryokan staff's New Year lunch.

Obuse is a really romantic town, though. Cute shops, yummy chestnut sweets, delicious restaurants, wonderful museums (including Hokusai-Kan featuring the ukkiyoe woodblock art of Hokusai).

After our stroll through Obuse, we headed back to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for a soak in Kamesei's hot spring mineral water bath.

That in fact makes for a great date: Exploring Obuse followed by a stay at Kamiyamada Onsen.

And Kamesei Ryokan has a Anniversary Plan for that special occasion.

北信流@お神楽の新年会 'Hokushin-ryu' at the Okagura New Year Party

2011.02.13: 上山田お神楽 Kamiyamada Lion Dance




At the Kamiyamada Kagura Preservation Group's New Year Party the other day, we finished off with a 'Hokushin-ryu' ceremony. I've seen and taken part in many of these proceedings, and they never fail to impress me with their formal pagentry and deep sense of history. It's said to have originated from here, northern Nagano.

For a video of a Hokushin-ryu ceremony, click here.

Here's wishing Kamiyamada Okagura a great 2011!

上山田神楽保存会のHPはこちらClick here for Kamiyamada's Okagura website

夕暮れの雪景色 Kamesei's garden at dusk with snow

2011.02.12: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's naka-niwa garden







In Japanese, there is a word 'Maboroshi' which means 'fantastical' or like a vision. It tends to get overused in marketing, so I try to avoid it.

However, to this Westerner, the relaxing vibes that emanate from Japanese gardens strike me as being 'Maboroshi'.

And add a touch of snow, and the wintery scene becomes even more 'Maboroshi'.

And as the sun starts to go down and a soft dusky glow sets in, the garden takes on an even more 'Maboroshi' feel.

So here is a photo of Kamesei's naka-niwa central garden with fresh snow and at dusk.

Do you think this qualifies as 'Maboroshi'?

お客様の高い満足度の秘密 The secret to happy guests

2011.02.11: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Happy Guests?








The guesthouse I just previously wrote about, 1166 Backpackers, is interesting. Despite rather spartan facilities, 1166 has the 2nd highest customer rating in the Nagano area with 93% on hostelworld.com.

Even more surprising is Shimaya Ryokan in Shibu Yudananka Onsen. On tripadviser.com, of the 7,909 ryokans listed in all of Japan, Shimaya is ranked #2. The Yumoto's even admit their inn isn't one of the best facilities-wise. So why so popular?

The reason is their friendly service. Read the comments -- practically every one of them praises Yumoto-san's friendliness.

Last week, I paid a visit and spoke with the Yumoto's. They explained friendly service is just that -- providing the type of service you would to a friend. For example, there is an onsen in the hills above his inn that has a spectacular view from the bath. If a friend came, you would naturally want to take him or her there. Yumoto-san regularly takes his guests there which they really, really appreciate.

That's it.

Simple, isn't it?

長野に来る1166理由 1166 Reasons to come to Nagano

2011.02.10: 活動 Activities

With Iimuro-san in front of her 1166 Backpackers guesthouse







Three months ago, a guesthouse opened in Nagano City near Zenkoji Temple: 1166 Backpackers. Yesterday I paid a visit and met the owner, Iimuro-san.

1166 Backpackers is Nagano City's first guesthouse. It is conveniently located near Zenkoji's Daimon gate. Prices are very reasonable, starting at 2,600 yen for a dormitory bed. Half of their guests are from overseas.

Iimuro-san herself has travelled extensively overseas and thus shares an appreciation for travel with her guests. The facilities are rather simple, but after getting a tour of the rooms the greatest impression I was left with was Iimuro-san's enthusiasm.

To be honest, when I first heard a low-priced accommodation was opening up nearby, I was worried about the impact it would have here at Kamesei Ryokan. What I've come to find, however, is that there are guests who stay at 1166 before or after a night at Kamesei.

In other words, there are travellers who had probably only intended on staying 1 night in Nagano, but thanks to the existence of 1166, they stayed 2 nights. There are probably people who otherwise would have made Nagano a day trip from Tokyo but thanks to 1166, extended their stay and spent a night. In fact, Iimuro-san said she's had guests that stayed multiple nights at 1166 and made day trips in to Tokyo for shopping. With the Nagano Shinkansen making the trip in just 1 hour 40 minutes, that is certainly doable.

When you think about it, it's surprising that before 1166 there were no guesthouses in Nagano City. Thank you, Iimuro-san, for your contribution.

1166のHPはこちらClick here for 1166's website.

「地獄へ道づれ」in稲荷山 "Another One Bites the Dust" in Inariyama

2011.02.09: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Another Inariyama 'kura' biting the dust




「今の内」と言われてもネ… 皆は必ずそう言うよ



Here in Chikuma City, we have a neighborhood called Inariyama. It started out as a way station on the old Zenkoji Road connecting now-Nagano City and Matsumoto. Many of the original earthen-walled storehoses still exist, and the city always includes the area on its sightseeing brochures. However, many people who go see it come away disappointed. That's because a lot of the storehouses are in a crumbling state of disrepair.

Personally, I like the townscape the way it is now, and prefer it to a Disney-fied version with an impeccably maintained surface. But I realize that efforts need to be made to refurbish the storehouses. For the private owners, however, such maintenance is prohibitively expensive. Help from the government is required.

Some buddies of mine and I went to petition the mayor for just such assistance. We told him that the city has to act now before the storehouses disappear, that it's now or never.

The mayor's response?
"They've been saying 'Now or never' from a way long time ago, and will be saying that far into the future, too."
In other words, he blew us off.

Well, mayor, I drove through Inariyama today, and guess what I saw? Another storehouse being demolished. Just how many of these 'kura' will have disappeared under your watch? Who's responsibility is that?

この地獄へ道連れの詳しくはこちら。More about this 'kura' biting the dust here.