交通パスの便利さに目が覚めた I've Awoken to the convience of Transport Passes

2010.09.10: その他 Miscellaneous

First Pasmo, then JR East Pass, what's next?







On this marketing "caravan" to Tokyo, I bought a Pasmo transportation pass.

For the first time in my life.

No more hassles figuring out the fares, no more stopping to buy tickets. How convenient. I used it not only for the subway but for busses and the JR trains, too.

If it makes moving around easy for me on business, it must be even more convenient for tourists!

I've been calling for a similar pass for Nagano, too, for years. Now, in conjunction with the Nagano Destination Campaign, JR East is offering a special 3-Day Pass from September to the end of November. It can even be used on non-consecutive days. And, for the first time ever, it is also useable on Shinano Railway (for access to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen), Nagano Dentetsu (to get you to the Snow Monkeys) and other private railroads.

Unfortunately, it's only available for use by foreigners on tourist visas (foreign residents and regular Japanese can't use it), it can't be used on busses (so no Togakushi or Kamikochi), and it's only available for a limited time. But it's a great start. And from someone who has now seen how convenient such passes can be, I for one really hope for an even broader-use pass in the future.

Click here for more info on the 10,000 yen 3-day JR East Pass のくわしくはこちら。

いよいよ信州DC JR's Nagano Campaign is almost here

2010.09.09: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Promoting Nagano in Tokyo with Arukuma




On the 9th and 10th, the other members of the Togura Kamiyamada Ryokan Association and I are making a whirlwind 'caravan' marketing tour of Tokyo. It's part of the PR push ahead of Japan Rail's Nagano "Destination Campaign", scheduled to start on October 1st and to run through December 31st. Our caravan is making stops at several media outlets, and will meet with lots of travel agents at a Nagano Prefecture-organized sales gathering. This apple-bear "arukuma" is the mascot for JR's Destination Campaign.

The day before, Nagano City invited me to give a talk to 50 residents. An increase in foreigners is also expected as part of the DC, so I gave some tips on what it is tourists from abroad expect when they come to Japan. I'm doing my part to help make the DC a success.

Info on JR's Destination Campaign here.

これから You haven't seen anything yet

2010.09.08: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Ppt presentation feature image









"I saw you on TV!"

I get told that a lot by our guests. I'm never quite sure how to reply. "Thank you," I usually lamely reply.

But now I know how to better reply: "You haven't seen anything, yet!"

The other day, for the first time in my life, I prepared a demonstration using powerpoint software. I used it to make a presentation to the Togura Kamiyamada ryokan association, as well as to the folks at city hall. It's been almost 5 years since we made the move to Kamesei Ryokan, and during that time I've seen the good results of the 3-year JTB-funded civic improvement efforts, then the 3-year prefectural-funded "Kara-Koro" civic effort. Now, building on those results, I'm proposing some new ideas for the town based on opinions of our guests from overseas. Through a strange confluence of events, my proposals are making good headway.

Hence my new reply to the TV comments:

You haven't seen anything yet!

森繫 昇さんのロビーコンサート@亀清旅館 Lobby Concert by Noboru Morishige here at Kamesei Ryokan

2010.09.07: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Lobby Concert flier


森繫 昇
会費: 無料
問い合わせ: 亀清旅館へ

T-san, a very special guest of Kamesei's, will be coming in October with a musician friend of his. The friend sings and plays guitar for a variety of Christian music. That evening, we will offer a lobby concert open to everyone. Details as below:

Noboru Morishige
"I want to sing about God"
15-Oct (Friday)
8pm - 9pm
Kamesei Ryokan's lobby
Admission: Free
For info, call Kamesei Ryokan.

森繫昇のHPはこちらClick here for Noboru Morishige's website.

2010年のおばすて観月祭の色々 Update on the 2010 Obasute Moon Viewing Festival

2010.09.06: その他 Miscellaneous

Chorakuji's Moon Viewing Room

去年のおばすて観月祭は遅めでした:10月の頭。2010年の姨捨観月祭はいつでしょうか? 9月22(水)から26日(日)です。今年の中秋の名月が姨捨の「田毎の月」の棚田の上を上がってくる美しい姿を楽しめます。この自然のイベントに合わせて、下記の様に楽しい人間のイベントは沢山あります:

*棚田農道の道しるべ (棚田の良さを分かる為に、実際に棚田の中を歩くのがお勧めです。期間中、夜18時ごろから、長楽寺から棚田を通る道がライトアップされます。田毎の月の棚田を遠くから見るだけじゃなくて、中を歩いてみましょう。)

*俳句大会 (姨捨駅などに設置してい有る俳句投函箱に入った一年間の俳句の中からベストが選ばれる。9月25日の12:30~16:00@戸倉上山田温泉にある観光会館)

*二胡コンサート@姨捨駅 (電車の駅でコンサート?もちろん!善光寺平の背景で二胡のミニコンサート。9月23日の17:00-18:00.)

*浮世絵の展示@長楽寺 (広重や沢山の版画家が姨捨の魅力で刺激を受けた様で、姨捨のテーマの浮世絵は色々あります。9月25日の09:00-15:00で長楽寺に展示されます。)

*ボランティアーガイドのウォーキング (地元の語りべと60分のコースで姨捨の伝説の色々。9月25・26日の12:30から、姨捨駅集合。飛び込み参加OK。無料。)



インバウンドの未来 携帯電話で翻訳・通訳 The Future of Foreign Travel: Cell Phone Translation / Interpreting

2010.09.05: 活動 Activities







*電話に聞きたい事を喋って、このアプリでそれを分析して、外国語に直して、また喋ってくれる。携帯に「トイレはどこですか?」と喋って、「Where is the bathroom?」とちゃんと通訳して喋ってくれる。


Travelling overseas often times means running into language barriers.

As a place of lodging, accepting guests from overseas also often means language barriers.

There is a new tool to help cross that barrier -- your cell phone!

Google is developing a new application called Goggles. It uses the camera on smart phones to function as a tool that travellers will find useful. For example:

*Standing in front of the Arc de Triomphe, Grand Canyon, Kamesei Ryokan (?) or some place famous, you take a picture. Goggles uses image recognition plus the GPS function to discern the location, does a websearch, and gives you pertinent information. "Hmm, I wonder who that statue is of. And I can't read the explanatory text..." Take a picture, and Goggles will look it up for you.

*Take a photo of some text, and Goggles will scan it, realize it is a foreign language, and automatically translate it for you. "Hmm, what does that warning sign say?" Take a picture, and voila, "Men's and Women's baths change sides at 9pm."

*Speak into the phone, Goggles will breakdown your phrase, translate it into a foreign language, and speak it back to you. Tell your phone, "Where is the bathroom?", and it will say back, "O-toire wa doko desuka?"

Goggles is still being developed, but this is a tool that could revolutionize overseas travel!

もっと詳しい例はここClick here for more examples of Goggles.

Hybrid Resort Liner at Obasute: DC Preview 信州DCのスパイ写真:ハイブリッド「リゾートライナー」@姨捨駅

2010.09.05: その他 Miscellaneous

Event Train at Obasute

金曜日のお昼に姨捨駅を通ったら、偶然にこのハイブリッドのリゾートライナーが駅で待機していました。JRの 「リゾートビューふるさと」だそうです。

10月から12月まで、JR全社は特別宣伝企画「信州デスティネーションキャンペーン」で長野県をPRする予定です。JRは毎年、春と秋に日本のどこかを集中して、宣伝するので、今回は信州の番です。その企画に合わせて、この 「リゾートビューふるさと」が毎日、長野駅から姨捨を通って、松本経由で白馬まで行く予定です。明細は:

名前 リゾートビューふるさと
期間 10月2日(土)~12月26日(日)の毎日
午前 長野駅09:03発、松本駅10:41発、南小谷駅13:29着
午後 南小谷駅14:44発、松本駅16:55発、長野駅18:23着
切符 全車指定席;主なみどりの窓口にて


名前 おばすて棚田紀行号
期間 10月9日(土)
午前 軽井沢10:48発、篠ノ井経由、姨捨駅12:50着
午後 姨捨駅14:00発、篠ノ井経由、軽井沢15:42着
切符 問い合わせ: しなの鉄道 Tel(0268)27-4733


Last Friday, I happened to drive by Obasute Station and spotted a hybrid resort liner train. It was a test run for a special series of train trips this fall. From October to December, the entire JR group will feature Nagano in a special promotional campaign called "Shinshu Destination Campaign". Every year in the spring and again in the fall, JR picks some region of Japan for a special promotion, and this time it's Nagano's turn.

Throughout the duration of the promotion, Japan Rail will run this special hybrid train on a "Resort View Furusato" route starting at Nagano Station, passing through Obasute, switching at Matsumoto Station and then up to Hakuba. Details are as follows:

Name: Resort View Furusato
Period: Every day Saturday 02-Oct - Sunday 26-Dec
(except Nov. 6th and 7th)
AM: Dep Nagano 09:03, Dep'Moto 10:41, Arr M.Otani 13:29
PM: Dep M.Otani 14:44, Dep'Moto 16:55, Arr Nagano 18:23
Tickets: All reserved seats; buy at major JR stations

Besides the Resort View Furusato, there is another special train scheduled to run during the Destination Campaign. Local Shinano Railway will have one of its retro trains depart from Karuizawa, change at Shinonoi to stop at Obasute Station. Details as below:

Name: Obasute Tanada Kikko-go
Period: Saturday 10-Oct (one day)
AM: Dep Karuizawa10:48, via Shinonoi, Arr Obasute 12:50
PM: Dep Obasute 14:00, via Shinonoi, ArrKaruizawa 15:42
Tickets: Contact Shinano Railway tel(0268)27-4733

This fall, enjoy a train excursion in Nagano!

リゾートビューふるさとの詳しくはこちらClick here for more on the Resort View Furusato

姨捨の長楽寺:若女将とデート Going on a Date to Obasute's Chorakuji with Mari

2010.09.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Mari's Choraku-ji debut


Kamesei's junior proprietress, my wife Mari, recently met the lady running Choraku-Ji Temple at Obasute, of moon-viewing fame. Yesterday Mari took me to meet Sano-san for a soba lunch that Sano-san prepared especially for us. Sano-san had been working outside the temple, but recently made the temple her main work, and she is apparently interested in contributing more to the area. Over soba, we discussed the possibilities of making Chorakuji a destination for a night tour. It might make a good addition to Kamesei's current Obasute Legends Night View Tour.

Soba lunch at Chorakuji

Choraku-ji's newly re-thatched roof

A room built specifically for moon viewing

一年ぶり:ぶどう狩り Picking Grapes for the First Time in a Year

2010.09.03: 季節 Seasons

Nakajima's kyouhou grapes -- from a 30-year old tree



It's September, and here in Kamiyamada, that means grape season. Last year Kamesei Ryokan started buying grapes directly from one of the local growers, Nakajima Orchard. Yesterday I went to buy some freshly picked grapes for our chef to serve the guests as their dessert. We buy 3 different varieties, so Chef Takei can make a colorful arrangement. Guests from out-of-prefecture really like being able to eat freshly picked grapes. You just can't get grapes this juicy and flavorful in Tokyo. Actually, I took a father-and-son party of guests with me to the orchard. It was their first time to actually be in a grape orchard. They were pretty excited.

Actually, I was excited to -- it was the first time for me to see the orchard in a year. Being able to enjoy the natural splendor of Nagano is one of the perks of being a ryokan proprieter here!

中島農園の新しいHPはこちらClick here for Nakajima Orchard's new website.

This year's crop lacks a bit of uniformity in size, but taste is perfect!

新しい:スモーキングデッキ NEW: Smoking Deck

2010.09.02: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's new Smoking Deck


In a corner of Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa central garden, I built this little wood deck. And I moved the ash tray from the lobby out to this deck. So now, our guests who wish to smoke outside of their rooms don't have to come out all the way to the lobby -- they can go to this deck just off the watari-roka corridor in the middle of our inn. And, while smoking away, they can enjoy the natural setting of our naka-niwa garden and koi pond. Plus, a underutilized corner of our garden now has this cool deck! Just another in a long line of improvements we've been making here at Kamesei Ryokan.

'Before' Pic (Getting some help by 2 local middle school kids on their workplace experience project

So pretty it almost makes you want to take up smoking