昨日はまた朝5時に起きて、お客様と一緒に戸倉上山田温泉から車で約15分の開眼寺に、座禅をしに行きました。今回は特別で、県の英語先生達の代表のWhitneyさんもジョインしてくれました。彼女はセミプロの写真家なので撮影してくれました。この朝5時座禅は特に海外の観光客向きでPRしていく計画なのでWhitneyさんの写真を生かして、やっていきたいと思っております。工事中のHP, www.unique-nagano.comで後日に載せる予定です。
昨日はまた朝5時に起きて、お客様と一緒に戸倉上山田温泉から車で約15分の開眼寺に、座禅をしに行きました。今回は特別で、県の英語先生達の代表のWhitneyさんもジョインしてくれました。彼女はセミプロの写真家なので撮影してくれました。この朝5時座禅は特に海外の観光客向きでPRしていく計画なのでWhitneyさんの写真を生かして、やっていきたいと思っております。工事中のHP, www.unique-nagano.comで後日に載せる予定です。
While our inn, Kamesei Ryokan is a traditional onsen ryokan, as the proprietor (myself) is an American, we try to incorporate some touches of American-style hospitality. One of those touches is to serve home-made cookies as the tea sweets for the tea we provide in the guest rooms upon arrival. Nagano Prefecture is famous for its soba buckwheat noodles, as it is one of the main growing regions for buckwheat in Japan. In an effort to combine the best of both worlds, I substitute 1/4 buckwheat flour for regular wheat flour when I bake the cookies.
When guests make reservations including meals, we always ask about any food allergies. However, the other night we had some guests who requested accommodation only, and no allergies were mentioned. The next morning at checkout, the gentleman accosted me, "There was soba in those cookies, right?" Apparently he had an allergic reaction (fever and nausea). He was so upset. "Every year, thousands of people die from soba allergy. You have to tell each person there is soba in those cookies!"
On one hand, we obviously don't want to kill our guests. On the other, I was upset that our positive efforts were being villified. If the man's life was at stake due to his soba allergy, wouldn't it behoove him to ask about it first? He claimed the onus was ours, as people normally don't expect soba flour in cookies. I say there is nothing unusual about it here in Nagano, Japan's soba prefecture.
Practically speaking, it is not possible to ask each and every individual guest about their allergies, soba or otherwise, as some guests come in groups and our main contact is with the group's organizer, not the individuals. However, all the guests pass by the front desk on the way to the rooms, hence a "Food Allergies?" sign on the front desk strikes me as being the most effective.
I found this design on the University of Hawaii website, and Professor Saulo there graciously granted us permission to use it. We'll give it a try and see what kind of response the sign receives.
As a side note, another inn that I am familiar with approaches problems like this by putting up warning notices. "Don't do this" or "Avoid doing that", etc. The problem is, the interior of the inn ends up getting plastered in warning signs. With our home-made cookies, the charm is that they are not some pre-wrapped, mass-produced sweet. If they were, there would no doubt be a warning label that soba, nuts, chocolate and other allergens are included. While there is a need for warning the guests, it would go against the home-made charm to plaster them with signs.
This "Food Allergies?" sign seems to strike the right balance between the need to advise the guests and our desire to avoid tacky warning signs all over the place. Time will tell if it works! Will keep you posted.
Kamiyamada Onsen is overlooked by the centuries-old Habeshina Shrine. Every year, the shrine holds an Autumn Festival that usually takes place on the autumnal equinox, 23-Sept. However, this year the Fall Festival has been moved to the weekend and will be held on Sunday 26-September.
Habeshina Shrine's Fall Festival is a unique opportunity to see a small local festival here in the Japanese countryside. It is a time for the locals to give thanks for the harvest and enjoy some traditional fun. The day's schedule varies by year, but is generally something like this:
8am: Opening banquet at a nearby community center
10am: Ceremonial Procession departs the center.
12noon: Procession arrives at Habeshina Shrine
1pm: Adults sumo
2pm~: Kids sumo
Evening: Karaoke contest
8pm: Ending ceremony featuring an "okagura" shi-shi lion dance
The kids sumo is very entertaining to watch, and for the adults sumo, often times there are not enough participants. I have twice had the dubious honor of joining their ranks. You drink your way through the 8am banquet, parade around town in your 'fundoshi' g-string, then when your name is called, enter the ring and hope your opponent had more sake than you did.
(If you, too, are interested in being a sumo wrestler for a day, contact me here at Kamesei Ryokan and I can see about getting you an invitation.)
There are a few food and toys booths set up for the festival, and a lot of drinking goes on (sake is an important part of Japanese 'matsuri'). After it gets dark, at some point the sounds of the shi-shi flutes and taiko drums can be heard, as the okagura lion dance troupe finishes up its tour of the town and arrives back at the shrine. The elders gather in front of the shrine's main building holding 'chochin' lanterns, and the lion dance takes place in the center.
The lion dance by lantern-light is a pretty powerful experience. I was really moved by it when I first saw it right after moving here. Later, when the the leader of the troupe invited me to join, I was honored to accept. I'll be there this year trying to keep up with the other flutists.
午前8時 近くの会場で宴会が開きます。
午前10時 宴会場から神社までの行列の出立
午後12時 行列が神社に到着
午後1時 大人の相撲
午後2時~ 子供の相撲
夕方 カラオケ大会
午後8時 お神楽の獅子舞
Kids Sumo -- highly entertaining
Adults sumo -- not as easy as it looks!
This fella is Kitayama-san, a distant relative of ours. He hails from the Kawanakajima district of Nagano City, where he and his wife operate a fruit orchard. Around here, Kawanakajima is known for peaches, and right now is peak peach season. Kitayama-san brought a bunch of his peaches for us to eat. They were so juicy and delicious! We talked him into supplying us with a few boxes of peaches to offer for sale to our guests. With this being summer vacation time, we have a lot of guests visiting from Tokyo and other prefectures. The peaches have been a hit with the guests, many of whom have been looking for just the perfect seasonal "Nagano" gift to take back to their friends and family.
(3kg boxes of fresh Kawanakajima peaches are 1,000 ~ 1,500 yen depending on the variety.)
There are longer firework displays.
And there are displays with more pyrotechnics.
But all of our guests who watched tonight's Togura Kamiyamada Onsen fireworks display over the Chikuma River came back with the same impression: Impressive!
At the major fireworks displays, it's practically impossible to get close to the action because of the crowds. Here at the Chikuma River display, you can get so close the pyrotechnics are almost going off directly above your head! And the breezy riverside setting is such a pleasant place to enjoy the show. The bright flashes reflecting off the river, and the BOOM!s bouncing off the surrounding mountains as well as the grand finale featuring a Niagara-like stream of fireworks from Manyo Bridge make for an exciting experience.
Judging by the long lines at the food stands, and all of the colorful yukata-clad ladies, it's one huge festival.
The Chikuma River Fireworks Display at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen take place every year on 07-August.
Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's new English Gourmet Guide / Walking Map was featured in the August 7th issue of the weekly Kanko Keizai Newspaper. Apparently the fact that so many businesses supported the making of the map -- 20 restaurants and 21 souvenir and other shops, plus the fact that it incorporated wo many features specifically for foreign travellers, were newsworthy enough to be featured. I think our onsen town is pretty unique in that we have so many shops and businesses interested enough in accepting foreign customers that they would financially support the making of this map.
It looks like all of the work that went into the map is paying off!
観光経済新聞のHPはこちらClick here for the article on the Kanko Keizai Newspaper's website.
Ever since our kids' summer vacation started, they've been getting up at 6:20 in the morning to gather at the park behind Kamesei Ryokan with the other school kids living in the onsen to do the NHK Radio Exercises.
(Why the poor kids have to get up so early during their summer vacation is beyond me! There's no way you'd get kids in America to do this.)
This morning, in addition to the normal 20 or 30 local kids, there were 200 middle school kids, too. Apparently they are members of various athletic teams that are staying at one of the area inns.
I always try to invite our guests to go with us. They like the idea of mingling with the local school kids, but don't like the idea of getting up so early. I haven't managed to get any guests to go with us yet.
上山田温泉の郵便局に顔を出したら、千曲市の切手が売れていて、びっくりしました。オリジナルフレーム切手「信州 千曲市」というので、1000枚限定だそうです。金額は1200円で、千曲市周辺の郵便局の13局でしか販売していないそうです。
When I stopped in at the Kamiyamada Onsen post office, I spotted this poster for a new set of stamps with a Chikuma City theme. Apparently the post office made a limited issue of 1000 sheets of stamps featuring different areas of our city. The price is 1,200 yen, and the sheets can only be purchased at one of the 13 area post offices.
I was especially pleased to see that one of the stamps shows a picture of our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada. I don't think my home town of Seattle ever got its own stamp!
郵便局のHPはこちらClick here for the Post Office website.
Last summer, I replaced the fences for a couple of the guest rooms here at Kamesei Ryokan. I (gladly!) demolished the concrete block ones, built new fences out of wood in a horizontal woven pattern, and set them in place of the old concrete ones. Now light and the breeze can pass through the fence, which allowed our gardener to make some nice gardens for those rooms. Our guests have been happy with the results. And the outer appearance of our inn was improved immensely.
This summer will be round two. I'm going to replace a third room's ugly concrete fence with a new wood one. Today I went and bought the supplies. Our little K-Truck pick-up is sure coming in handy!
Japan Rail Group is making some improvements at Obasute Station ahead of this fall's Nagano Destination Campaign. The ticket office of the station house has been rebuilt, and will be used as a gathering place for local volunteer guides during events. The platform is also being rebuilt to include a half-moon shaped viewing platform. The lights of the Zenkoji Plain at night, and the moon-reflecting terraced rice fields during the day, should be especially beautiful as seen from the new deck once it's finished.
Obasute is becoming an even more enjoyable tourist spot!