インバウンドの波: 坂城vs.須坂 Ups and Downs of "Inbound": Sakaki vs. Suzaka

2010.07.05: 活動 Activities

Photographer Whitney capturing Robert's knife making


There are ups and downs in efforts to promote Nagano for "Inbound" (guests coming from overseas). Yesterday was a downer at Sakaki's Katana Museum, but today was a huge upper with the curator of Suzaka's Tanaka Honke Museum paying a visit.
As previously mentioned, the Nagano Inbound Summit members are working on compiling a list of Nagano's unique experiences to promote then abroad. #2 on our list was the katana museum in Sakaki. We met with the director beforehand and (seemingly) secured his cooperation, then had several people take time out from their busy schedules to attend the knife making seminar yesterday. We even had a photographer come. However, when we arrived, we were being sent away because they had already reached the limit for participants. If the monitor tour for locals won't work, there's no way the museum can be reliable for promoting to people coming from overseas!
On the other hand, Tanaka-san, the curator for Suzaka's Tanaka Honke museum, drove to meet me here at Kamesei to discuss ways their museum can better promote itself to foreigners. He agreed to cooperate with our Unique Nagano project, and we are working out a schedule to hold a monitor tour there for their bento lunch featuring a recreated 300-year old menu.
Inbound in Nagano: One step back, one step forward!

Robert's comments about the knife making deal at http://www.go-nagano.net/blog/?p=2999

Katana Apprentice helping out


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