まさかな姨捨夜景 A Whodathunkit Obasute Night View

2010.03.22: その他 Miscellaneous

Night View? What night view?


The night view from Obasute last night was the worst. All day long the weather had been so weird. The day before was an unseasonably warm 23 deg C clear day, but we woke up to the worst "yellow sand" (dust blowing over from the Gobi Desert) that I had ever seen. Then we had strong winds in the afternoon, followed by a dramatic drop in temperature. At night, when we took the guests to go see the night view from Obasute Station, it even started to snow. (Mind you, the previous day had been 23 deg C -- we certainly didn't expect snow!) Then when we got to the station, it was totally covered in snow, and we couldn't see any of the lights of the valley down below. The worst night view tour ever!
Well, I entertained our guests with stories of local legends, so I think they enjoyed the tour anyways, But we'll have to have them come again to see what the night view usually looks like!

Snow in late March? This is what we woke up to this morning.


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